Chapter Seventeen .......... Heart Attack

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Chapter Seventeen -Heart Attack

Elizabeth POV

Liam sat one side, Willis sat the other side of me in Eric's office, Alicia and Vincent Costa stood by Eric's large wooden desk, Eric is sitting down.

"Sorry, before we start, I just been mined linked that Newman, Matt and TJ are demanding to join this meeting, are you comfortable with this Lizzie?"

"It can just be this, if you want. Newman must be told for once?"

Eric looked stressed but nodded.

I was not sure what was going on, but secretly wanted to see him, but had to remind myself that is all it could be.

"No, it's OK" I nodded and looked at Liam to give him reassurance

The door swung open, Newman stormed in he looked tired, his eyes looked dark not blue like normal, Matt and TJ came in behind him.

"We are just getting started, right Lizzie are you still up to telling us?"


I quickly glanced at Newman he looked angry and agitated, he stared straight at me and didn't look anywhere else.

"I was left by Alicia and the rest in the morning, there was me, Alex and Taylor we went for a walk, I would say we went off track a little and we were trying to find our way back when Willis came out the bushes with the rest of the children. He explained that they escaped from an ambush and we needed to get out of there," Willis nodded to agree

"I remembered this camper van that we passed, and we agreed to walk back and see if we could hide inside the van. When we found the van, the doors were locked, lucky enough Willis managed to break in and find keys."

"I could smell a human scent around the camper, so we knew it wasn't owned or planted by the rogues?"

"We decided to drive out of harm's way, we had no money or phones to call here. As we made our way on the main road there was a roadblock. Police cars across the road there was two officers that came to speak to me"

"They were werewolves, I smelled them, we hid while Lizzie and Alex were upfront?"

"Why would they be dressed as officers?" Alicia looked confused

"And there was a black car as well, a man came out he was in his fifties, grey hair, he looked cold, wearing a long black coat?"

"Del Mason, the bast..."

"Newman, don't jump to conclusions?"

"Are you blind? we have had our suspicions about them? it makes perfect sense; they cover the South Dakota? Badlands have had this coming?"

"Enough? we can't start anything until we have talked with the other packs?"

"If it wasn't for the fact that Lizzie and Alex were human, Del would have killed all our children? the fact is he slipped up, he underestimated Lizzie?" Liam looked tense speaking

"Let's calm down, we need all the facts and get together with the other packs, it helps we have Vincent here on our side?"

Eric looked at Vincent

"Of course, you do"

"It was Tammy, wasn't it? or beautiful?" Willis smiled at me

"Are going to mock me again?"

"Liam, you should have heard her American accent, it was terrible" he smiled

"I would have loved to hear that. Tammy and beautiful?"

Newman's Prospects Book One (Elizabeth) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن