Chapter 6. Monster

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"I regret those times when I've chosen the dark side. I've wasted enough time not being happy."

- Jessica Lange

Kim was out for blood

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Kim was out for blood.

The rage he felt could tear the world apart. It would be so easy just barge in and kill the first werewolf he would see and then another, and another, and another, until there would be no one left to kill in the Mallory residence.

But that wouldn't be smart. It would wreak havoc and Kim wouldn't have everyone in his sight which could lead to an unexpected turn of events.

Kim had to have them all in sight to make sure that no one would be able to call for help. He had to get them all into one room, and he knew exactly how to do that.

It was time for Theerapanyakul to surrender to the Mallory family.

Chay's serum safely tugged in the inside pockets of his jacket, Kim knocked on Mallory's door, the first and the last time he ever did that. He didn't have to wait long. Within a moment he heard a laugh. So loud, so careless as if nothing was wrong with the world as if they didn't kill Kim's world only hours ago.

And then the door opened. And the laughter stopped. And Kim's plan almost shattered into pieces. The one who had opened the door, the one who had laughed so effortlessly was the one who should suffer the most.

Porchay's killer.

Kimhan's killer.

Their killer.

But who was Kim to judge? He was about to become one too.

Henrique Mallory had stopped laughing but his lips were still curved into a victorious smirk, "Kimhan how fitting! We were just celebrating your mate's death."

The thought crossed Kim's mind, it would be so easy to just kill Henrique right then and there at his door, not even give him time to realise what was happening, but then Kim thought back to the blood leaving Chay's sweet lips, his heart — still slightly beating — in Henrique's crude hands, and he pushed that thought away. Kim couldn't risk Henrique slipping through his hands. Even if somehow everyone else would escape him, Kim was going to do everything to make sure that Henrique Mallory will be in excruciating pain, begging to be forgiven before he dies.

So Kim swallowed all the words he truly wanted to say and rather went along with his plan, "I want you to kill me."

Henrique Mallory's smirk got even wider, "what?"

"There's nothing for me to live for. I want to be killed by the hand that killed my mate."

"What's today, Christmas? Bloody hell, Kimhan, you have the nerve."

"Kill me. Our families are in constant battle. If you kill me you shake my whole family to the core. Don't you want that, to have my father in distress so you can attack?"

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