Chapter 20. Love & Lust

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"The greatest pleasure of life is love."

- Euripides

- Euripides

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Kim could feel that Chay's emotions were all over the place. Whatever he and Macau were talking about was making Chay feel the kinds of emotions Kim didn't want Chay to feel ever again.

He closed the laptop and leaned back in his office chair, fingers nervously tapping on the heavy wooden desk. Maybe he should go down to see what was going on. On the other hand, he didn't want to be annoying. Kim knew that meeting after so long, the best friends were bound to also talk about the topics that could make Chay feel things he didn't deserve to feel anymore but it still was taking a lot for Kim to not run down and check on them just in case.

He looked up at the wall in front of him where Chay's portrait had been hanging since the day the club opened. Kim was looking forward to Chay's reaction when he would finally see it. Kim didn't think that Chay saw the portrait when they were here yesterday. It was too dark and Chay was focused only on Kim to actually notice much stuff.

It was both extremely hard and comforting to have Chay's portrait in the office. Every time Kim looked at it, his pain multiplied but it was also a constant reminder that the pain was worth it if at the end of that pain he would hold the boy from that portrait back in his arms.

Now, when Kim was looking at the portrait, there was no pain; now he could just call Chay's name and hold him in his arms seconds later. It was somehow liberating to feel like that, knowing that he had survived hell and could be happy now.

The door opened only a little, revealing Chay's smiling face, "may I disturb you, master Theerapanyakul?"

Kim opened his arms, his excited smile brightening up his whole face, "young master Theerapanyakul can disturb me any time."

Chay giggled, closed the door and walked further into the office, to sit on Kim's lap. Stradling Kim, Chay put his hands around Kim's neck and pouted, "well, technically I am no Theerapanyakul. We never got a chance to get married."

"You are Theerapanyakul because you are my mate, Chay. We didn't have to get married for that."

"I know," Chay nodded, leaving his pouty lips to form a small smile. Chay didn't have any problem with that, he was just playing around. "But I remember what you had told me in the cave before I had my memories back. That wanted to propose."

Kim hugged Chay tightly, nuzzling into Chay's neck, he closed his eyes, "I wanted and I still do. I know that as mates we don't really have to strengthen our relationship with anything else but it still would be nice if I get to say that you are my husband. I like the sound of it. And I know that you want it too, right?"


"I can propose now," Kim offered. He wore the ring on him — he was ready to do it any time.

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