Chapter 13. His Home

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"Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."

- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr

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"You are going."

Kim immediately stood up, grabbing Chay's hands and pulling him closer, "I'm not going anywhere without you, Chay. You — you don't want to go home with me?"

Surely that wasn't the case, right? Chay loved their home; he must have been missing it a lot. Maybe Kim just heard Chay wrong.

Chay got his hands out of Kim's hold, brushed away a strand of Kim's hair that was covering his panicked eyes, and wrapped his arms around Kim's shoulders. He smiled reassuringly, "I want to go — I want to go so badly, but I have to deal with my parents first." Chay's smile faded away, his eyes for a moment lost some of that enchanting spark they gained when his soul got filled with Kim's presence once again.

"I'll go with you," Kim immediately said.

"No. Hundred per cent no!"


"I was supposed to kill you and then bring your heart to my parents," Chay sighed. "There's no way I'm bringing you right into the house full of hunters. For what, so that my parents can meet their son-in-law before they kill him?"

Son-in-law. Oh yeah, it didn't occur to Kim until now that he was basically the son-in-law of the people who, if they knew, wouldn't hesitate a second before they would try to kill him.

"I'm afraid that I can't ever meet your parents."

Chay softly laughed, "you don't say."

"It's not funny, Chay. I — if you want to stay with your parents instead just tell me now."

"No, god no," Chay shook his head, pulling Kim closer. "I have realised a lot of things after my memories returned. And the most important thing of all is that I never want to be away from you ever again."

A sweet warmth spread all over Kim's body; his worries slowly left him, leaving only Chay's words settling inside his heart, making him smile like a teenager in love. "You don't?"

"Uhmm, I don't," Chay whispered, placing a quick kiss on the corner of Kim's lips, and hugging him before Kim could turn the situation into a real kiss.

"You don't want to kiss me or what?" Kim huffed but naturally wrapped his hands around Chay.  He fitted into Kim's arms like the most important piece of a puzzle that was missing for a long time but now it had been found, making a shattered life bloom into a masterpiece again.

Chay giggled into Kim's neck, placing a butterfly kiss there. "I do. But if I kiss you now I won't have it in me to not just ditch everything and just go with you home. I really have to do some things first, Kim." Chay leaned away so that he could look at Kim, "can you wait for me?"

UNTIL THE FULL MOON☆KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now