Chapter 8. Labyrinth of Memories

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"The act of longing for something will always be more intense than the requiting of it."

- Gail Godwin

- Gail Godwin

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Present time

"Do you not want to live anymore?"

"I've been dead for a hundred years."

Chay ran his hand through his hair, sighing in frustration, "see? Maybe if you would stop talking in riddles, I would actually be able to help you."

"Why help me if you plan to kill me? It doesn't make sense."

"It's not like I want to kill you, okay? But I have no choice."

Kim watched Chay shuffling in one place, fingers nervously playing with the hem of his t-shirt. He looked so young, so beautiful, and so like him — like Chay from a hundred years ago. But he didn't remember Kim. The late-night conversations, hours upon hours spent in the library drinking wine and reading to each other, slow dancing to the rhythm of Chay's gramophone music, laying in each other's laps, playing with each other's hair, laughing together, sharing gentle kisses overpowered by the hungry once, their bodies hot mess tangled up together, falling asleep in each other's arms...

But Kim's biggest fear came true — his Chay didn't remember him. He didn't remember anything and Kim had no idea how to change that.

If he couldn't change it at least he was going to spend his last few days loving his mate secretly, from afar. And yet, it was so incredibly hard not to break down in front of Chay, not to tell him everything, not to fight the chains just for one chance to touch his baby, his moon. But he was also afraid, so fucking afraid that if Chay would touch him, if he would come closer, Kim wouldn't be able to hold himself and hurt him, do something that would make Chay feel uncomfortable.

Kim wouldn't forgive himself for that. He missed Chay so much, every cell in his body was desperately begging him to stop being afraid and just take Chay in his arms, hold him close, drinking in that intoxicating smell of the air after summer rain and Lillies, until he would be sure that it was true, that he wasn't just dreaming, that his mate was truly back in his arms.

It was better to change the subject before Kim would ask Chay to do something crazy like hug him or worse. He looked to his right, where the vapour of the hot pond was dancing in the air, reaching the top of the cave. It wouldn't be that bad to have that bath that he declined before.

"Is the offer for the bath still on the table?"

Chay looked up and Kim was hit with the wide smile he thought that he would never see again. Chay eagerly nodded, "Of course! I was actually about to take a bath too. We can take one together."

What? "No."

"Oh God, not the 'no' again! Come on, you asked for it yourself."

"I can wait. You can take the bath first." Kim could swear that Chay was testing him. Chay couldn't possibly be seriously asking the werewolf he thought that he barely knew, to take a bath with him. And yet that somehow sounded exactly like Kim's Chay from hundred years ago — saying and doing random stupid things without thinking about them twice.

UNTIL THE FULL MOON☆KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now