Chapter 25. We Can Try

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"Love him and let him love you. Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?"

- James Baldwin

Chay didn't say anything when they walked out of the restaurant

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Chay didn't say anything when they walked out of the restaurant. He didn't say anything during the ride home, even when they walked inside their bedroom and got ready for bed.

And Kim let him. He knew that Chay would speak once he was ready. He was the one who wanted to talk about it after all. And something was telling him that Chay wasn't thinking about Luna...he was thinking about his parents.

Chay got in their bed fresh out of the shower, his hair still wet. Kim put down his phone and patted his lap, "come here."

Chay didn't need more. Seconds later he was straddling Kim's lap, his fingers under Kim's pyjama shirt, outlining his abs.

"Talk to me."

"What if...what if my parents did it?" Chay finally said out loud.

Kim sighed, "alright, listen to me Porchay. I'm going to say this only once."

Chay's breath hitched, Kim's tone and the way he said Chay's full name...was he angry?

"I'm not mad, baby," Kim immediately noticed Chay's worries. He stroked Chay's cheek with his palm, keeping it there as Chay subconsciously leaned in.

"Just listen to me, okay?"

"Okay," Chay nodded.

"No matter if your parents did it or not it doesn't have anything to do with you. Your parents are hunters and so are many other people all over the city. Just because hunters killed someone that my cousin and Pete knew, doesn't mean that it has something to do with us. And even if it were your parents that still doesn't mean that it's your fault. Your parents are hunters, you are not. They kill werewolves all the time you do not. So, I don't want to see you overthinking this and feeling sad about it. Yes, it's awful that Luna lost her parents but it's not our fault. Alright, baby?"

"Yeah," Chay bit his lip, "yeah, you are right," he rolled his eyes, "again."

Kim couldn't help but smile brightly, "I love it when you roll your eyes, it means that you are relaxed again."

"You love weird things," Chay laughed.

"Well...I love you so..."

Chay gasped, he leaned in and started placing wet kisses all over Kim's neck.

"C-chay," Kim laughed and rolled them over, "stop it, baby."

"Take it back and I will," Chay said, and held his head up to reach Kim's neck again but Kim stopped him, pressing Chay deeper into the sheets.

"I can't take it back, baby. My love for you is real."

"You can't be possibly more cheesy, can you?" Chay laughed.

"I can always try."

"Please, don't," Chay shook his head and pulled on Kim's shirt so that he could reach for Kim's lips.

Kim's lips fit perfectly on Chay's; their slight pressure and warm embrace were electrifying no matter how many times they kissed. Kim could kiss him nonstop and Chay would still need more, want more. Kim's lips on his own was the most natural thing in the world. It made more sense than breathing, more sense than existing.

Kim's hands slide underneath Chay's t-shirt, fingers gently outlining Chay's body, going up from Chay's waist to his chest, stroking over Chay's sensitive nipple making him moan. 


Kim hummed into the kiss.

"T-there's this other thing we should talk about." 

"Yeah," Kim kissed Chay one more time,  "let's talk," he wanted to sit up but Chay held him in place.

"Stay like this, please."

"Okay," Kim softly smiled, his fingers brushing through Chay's messy hair.

"Did it ever bother you that we could never have our own children?" Chay asked.

"No," Kim shook his head, "never. To be honest I didn't even think about it. I have you. That's more than enough for me."

Chay hummed, "and what about now?"

"Luna," Kim sighed, he ducked his head down into the crook of Chay's neck. "I'm not sure if we are ready, Chay. We barely got our life back together, we both need to heal. Can we really take care of a child?"

"So you don't want her."

Kim raised his head, looking at Chay, "it's not that I don't want her. I'm just not sure that we can handle it."

"I want to try."

"Angel, adopting a child isn't something you can try and then give up if you don't like it."

"I know it isn't," Chay frowned, wanting to push Kim away but Kim didn't let him, pressing himself completely on Chay, he kissed Chay's cheek.

"Baby, I'm not saying no. I just want you to be completely sure before we make such a big decision. Let's meet Luna first. Let's see how she'll react to us and how we'll react to her. What if she's going to be afraid of me like she is afraid of Vegas?"

"You aren't scary."

"Vegas isn't either."

"Well..." Chay laughed.

"So, can we do that?" Kim asked, kissing Chay's cheek again. "We can call Vegas and Pete tomorrow and ask them when we could meet Luna."

"You are right, let's do that," Chay closed his eyes. "I can't believe how many things happened in just one day."

Kim hummed, kissing Chay's jawline down to his neck, "are you tired, baby?"

"Uhmmm, kinda."

"Do I get a good night kiss?"

Chay opened his eyes, turning his head to Kim, "no."

"Ahh," Kim gasped, "so cruel."

Chay giggled, pressing a kiss on Kim's lips. Once. Twice... "good?"

"No," Kim protested, and slipped his tongue into Chay's mouth, swallowing all of Chay's moans.

Chay whimpered, his hands tangled up in Kim's hair, he kissed Kim with the same ferocity, sucking and biting on Kim's tongue.

Kim took Chay's bottom lip in between his teeth pulling on it and letting it bounce back, "this is a good night kiss."

Chay cocked one eyebrow, "mind kissing me till I fall asleep then?"

To be continued...

P.S. Next chapter will be the last chapter of this AU, sweethearts. I said at the beginning that this AU will have around 25 chapters so it's time to end it. See you on Wednesday with the last chapter.

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