Chapter 11. Oh, the Wall, Look How It Crumbled Down

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"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place."

- Zora Neale Hurston

Only when night already fell upon the world, obscuring the white innocence of the snow did Chay gather all his thoughts and decided to step back into the cave

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Only when night already fell upon the world, obscuring the white innocence of the snow did Chay gather all his thoughts and decided to step back into the cave.

He was freezing cold and his body was tired from all the tears he shed, unable to stop. Chay was so angry at himself, he felt so weak, not being able to stop crying. Why was he crying? Why couldn't he stop crying? He wasn't sad; he was furious. Furious because Kimhan was trying to do something to him even though he said that he didn't mind Chay killing him.

He clearly did, if he didn't he wouldn't put those outlandish false memories inside Chay's head. So why did it take Chay hours until the tears finally came to a halt? Why did he have to cry his whole soul out, for his tears to finally disappear?

It was the hardest Chay had ever cried.

It was the longest Chay had ever cried.

Chay didn't cry like that when his brother decided to leave and travel all over the world, leaving Chay alone in the lion's den of their family house.

Chay didn't cry like that when his father hit him for the first time...tenth time...hundredth time.

Chay didn't cry like that when his mother didn't even bat an eye seeing his bruises and cuts once his father was done with him.

All of those things were supposed to be what he should have cried over so dreadfully long and slow so why...why he didn't?

Why was the reason for his tears something that never even existed, something that was put inside his head by an irrelevant werewolf Chay had planned to kill all along?

Yes, Chay was cold, and he felt the stains of his tears still on his cheeks but his blood was boiling. Kimhan thought that he could play with him. For a little while what Chay didn't want to happen, happened — Kim had power over him. But not anymore. Chay was putting off the next step in the ritual for far too long.

It was time to find out how long it would take the little wolfie to heal.


Chay found Kim back in his human form. He was still in the cage despite the cage being open. There was so much worry on his face that it made Chay frown but immediately after that he shrugged it off.

"Chay!" Kim breathed out when he saw him walking slowly towards the cage.

"How long was I out of it?"

"How are you feeling?"

"How long, Kimhan?"

The tone of Chay's voice made Kim want to crawl inside of himself and never get out. He felt like a wounded animal left out in the open to die.

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