Chapter 16. Angels Aren't Supposed to Love a Monster

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"Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom."

- Marilyn Ferguson

The tear that rolled down Kim's cheek collided with Chay's fingers that were still holding Kim's face in place

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The tear that rolled down Kim's cheek collided with Chay's fingers that were still holding Kim's face in place. Chay didn't wipe it away nor did he remove his fingers. Instead, he leaned closer, pressing a kiss on Kim's forehead and then gliding his lips lower, kissing the eye that was strong for far too long. Another tear escaped Kim's eye just to get caught on Chay's lips before it could cover Kim's ethereal face with a new layer of sadness.

"Remember this," Chay whispered, his lips still on Kim's cheek, "in every life, in every universe it's always you and me. It's always us. What kind of mate are you Kimhan Theerapanyakul? The kind of mate who waited hundred years, suffered every second, only with a strand of hope that one day I'll be back. The kind of mate that was willing to die by my hand if it meant that I'll be happy after that."

Chay raised his head and looked Kim right in the eyes, "the kind of mate I love more than anything."

"Chay," Kim breathed out, his voice hoarse, mind racing so fast unable to create any coherent thought besides Chay's name.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here," Chay softly said and his lips finally found their way to the place where they always meant to be.

Something inside of Kim bloomed into life the moment he felt Chay's lips on his own. It was that devastatingly familiar feeling of kissing his mate that finally snapped everything in Kim into place. Suddenly the reality was clear as a bright crystal. Everything was exactly how it was supposed to be. His Chay was really there. Now Kim was sure. There were no more doubts in his mind. Chay was real. Chay was there with him. Chay was there to stay, to love him, to share their forever.

"You are here," Kim choked out into the kiss. "You are really here," he said it as if he both couldn't believe it and yet as if there was nothing in the world that he was more sure of.

Chay hummed, playing with Kim's hair gently. Their lips, barely touching now, were breathing in each other's presence, sharing the same oxygen, basking in the tranquillity of their intimacy.

Chay took Kim's bottom lip in between his teeth, nibbling and sucking on it for a couple of seconds, just to get out of Kim exactly the reaction that he wanted. And the reaction came faster than Chay had expected. Kim's body shivered, he let out a broken moan and pulled Chay closer by his nape, opening his mouth more, craving the taste of Chay's tongue on his own. Chay smiled, satisfied by the reaction but he didn't kiss back. His hands fall down from Kim's hair, lower, wrapping around Kim's neck, one of Chay's thumbs caressing Kim's Adam's apple. He could feel how it moved under his touch when Kim gulped down another moan.

"You weren't sure, huh? You were afraid that I was just a dream?" Chay pressed their lips together for just a fraction of the moment before breaking them apart again.

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