~Nine ~

433 5 13


Most of this is after the fight and everything, El is dead ( gonna cry if she fr dies in s5 ). they are all about 30 years old.


Today was officially 20 years ago since they made that promise, 20 years. 

~ Twenty years earlier ~

" Hey Mike " Will called for him while continueing drawing of them together.

Mike ran to him " Yea? everything okay?" he asked worried.

" Yea sure, I just want to make a promise " Will blushed and looked Mike in the eyes, and tilded his pinky up in the air.

Mike nodded and held his pinky up too to see what promise they are going to make.

" Should we promise that in 20 years we are going to date if we are not married?" Will asked shyly waiting for a response, what he thought, was going to be no. But instead Mike connected their pinkys and nodded with a smile.

" Promise " he smiled and Will smiled back and hugged him, Mike hugging him back.

Mike always gives the best hugs, Will thought and leaned his head on Mikes shoulder and smiled again,  while Mike rubbed his back and then leaned apart.

Will sat down again and continued to draw, while Mike was watching him silently, stealing glances from eachother once a while.

~ 20 Years in the future ~ 

Will looked up at the photos who were standing on top of his Fireplace and smiled at them. Mostly were photos of him and Mike as children, and the other were from him, Jonathan and his mom, or photos of his whole party.

He often stared at the photos while sitting on his couch, and thinking about old memories. Tomorrow its been 20 years since they made that promise, today is day 7299. But its only one day till 20 years, day 7300. Does it sound weird that he had been counting down since that one day? probably. But Will didnt care. He had been waiting forever, his crush went on forever.

it has also been about 5500 days since Eleven, and some others, Died.

He and his friends had this special day that they would be silent for one hours or something for the ones who died with the fight. 

Jonathan died too. Will and his mom cried for weeks. Mike was the one who would cheer Will up even tho Mike didnt realise it. 

They hung out more since then, but they didnt mind. When they were together everything and everyone else would just disapear.

They both graduated even though everything that has happened, Everyone actually. After the fight Joyce decided to move back to hawkings, to continue living like they used to before all the upside down stuff. Jonathan and Nancy went off to college and Hopper started living with Joyce and Will. They Lived close to the Wheelers, so that Mike and Will could hangout every day. 

Now Will lived in a apartment, not far away from hawkins. Mike still lives in Hawkings but they still visit eachother ofter.

Will thinks so much lately, he doesnt even notice how fast time can go. In 2 hours its day 7300. Will always had a crush on Mike, and still has. 

1 hour.

He remembers all those times that Mike took his hand and would lead Will to a perfect view over Hawkins, and then watch the sunset. Those days were amazing. 

10 Minutes.

Does Mike even remember the promise anymore? what now if Will is counting down just to figure out that Mike is discusted by Will? What now if he found another girlfriend? what if- 

His thoughts were broken by the realisation that it was the last 10 seconds. 

he started counting down in his head.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5...

nothing yet.

4... 3... 2... 1...

Mike probably forgot. He didnt call Will that night. So he just decided to go to sleep.

The next morning Will felt like shit. Mike called him this morning, yes, but asked to hangout witch Will said yes to. Will is driving towards Mikes house. He arrived soon and he knocked on the door.

" Hey Will. " Mike said opening the door and letting Will inside. Will nodded and went to the living room and sat on the couch, Mike followed and sat besides him aqwardly. They looked out of the window and saw birds, butterflies, and more while lost in thoughts. They were both thinking the same thing.

Does he remember our promise?

Will sighed trying to think of something to talk about.

" Do you remember our promise?" Will just said blancly. 

Mike nodded and turned to Will, " yeah." They smiled and looked back to the window. 

★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆

790 Words.

I dont know how to finish this...


I just really wanted to write today! I will hopefully post this weekend! 

I hope you are doing great and stay hydrated and eat something if you havent!

<3 have a wonderful day / night/whatever time it is!

Byler // oneshots igWhere stories live. Discover now