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"Dad?" Mike's daughter asked shyly, peeking her head from behind the door. Mike's eyes left his, and he focused on his daughter.

"Yes, honey?" He asked with a soft smile on his face.

"Can I 'it with you guys?" The eight year old asked, taking a short glance at Will, who was leaning back on the couch with a glass of some sort of cold drink.

Mike smiled at her and said 'sure' while opening his arms, Sasha running towards him and leaning her head on her dad's shoulder. Mike leaned his arm on the backrest of the couch and rested his feet onto the coffeetable, kissed his daughter on her head, and made eyecontact with Will again.

"So what I was saying -" Mike started again, going up in a rant about how awful the new president is. Will wasn't listening, just looking fondly at the small family.

Mike and someone he met at college had a child around 8 years ago, back when they were still dating. They welcomed Sasha into the world, Will turned into 'Uncle Will' from that day on. That girl and Mike tried to keep their relationship stable, but it didn't work. She left Mike with nothing, leaving their child with him.

Will thought they would be forever.

"- so that's why I think even I would be a better president! Why would you just randomly remove their rights? It's so stupid! The only people, if they could even be called that, would be people who assault other people!" Mike said, reaching for his bottle of beer. Sasha was slowly falling asleep at her dad's side.

"You would make a better president, you know? Not only because you're fair, but also because you have an awesome friend who is good with people, " Will said teasingly.

Mike laughed, "Im lucky to have you, don't I?"

"You are." Will laughed back. And then Sasha sat up, Mike and Will both looked surprised, forgetting they weren't the only ones in the room.

"Can we play Mario cart?" Sasha asked, a sleepy look in her eyes.

"Sure, hon," Mike said, standing up and grabbing the controllers and turning on the Wii. He put the dvd inside and handed one controller to Sasha, "you wanna play?" He asked Will in that tone of his that is only for Will.

"And get torn to shreds by your daughter? Sure!" He said, making Sasha giggle. Mike threw over the controller, and Will barely managed to catch it.

They played a few rounds, Will restrained himself from playing too well so Sasha could have a laugh. She felt like his child too whenever they had a moment, while Mike was smiling over at them.

Will felt a little fuzzy feeling entering his body when Mike was staring mesmerised at him. And then Mike started to rant again over Sashas' head, who was fully in the game. Sasha seemed to be not noticing the lovestruck looks her dad was sending to his friend.

"Wow, it feels like I'm here sitting with you as my daughter and your dad as my husband," Will says jokingly with a smirk towards Sasha, who giggles again. But then groans because Will wins the race.

"You did that to distract me!!! It would be really funny!" She said, a young innocent smile on her face, "you feel like my second dad though, " she says, not thinking much of it. Or even thinking about the fact that she made both Mike and Will flush slightly.

They continued playing, the red of their faces getting less visible, but a feeling in both their stomachswas started to settle.

Will wasn't playing at his worst anymore, mainly because he was noticing that the kid was becoming better at the game. Drifting to get a small boost, making sure she has 10 coins at all times to make herself a little faster. That doesn't mean he doesn't know any of shortcuts, so he decides to do shortcuts only once every 4 rounds.

It's becoming late, and Sasha is almost not able to keep her eyes open anymore, so Mike and her go upstairs for her to brush her teeth and he will read her a short story from a book they are reading now.

"Can Will read me the story?" She asks hopeful to her dad.

Mike looks at Will with a questionmark above his head, asking if that would be okay. Will shrugs and nods.

Sasha already started smiling at the telepathic conversation between the two and smiles even harder when she sees Will stand up and grab some more of the nuts that are standing on the table. He walks over to the others, and they all walk up the stairs.

When up the stairs, Sasha grabs Wills hand and pulls him to his room, Mike looking at them both fondly, a smile creeping up his face. He called after them, saying that he would put some laundry away while they read.

So he walked upstairs with a basket full of laundry. He sorted everything by colour or texture. And put all of his and his kids' white clothes inside the washing machine. When he was finished, he walked down towards the room that was filled with noise.

He heard his daughter giggle in her room. When he walked in, he stopped, breathing in the happy conforting aura. He looked at his friend reading the story of Belle and the beast, acting out all of the expression really dramatically, which made Sasha leap back and laugh.

"We can just get married, and you will already see Will as your dad," He says, smiling, announcing his presence.

Sasha leaned up and smiled at her dad,"I would!!!" She said with a big smile on her face. "Can you be my second dad, Will?"

"Of course I could!" Will says, playing along. Ignoring the fact that this made his heart race, like when he gave Mike the painting at 15, he felt like a stupid kid.

"Well, it's time for you to sleep, love," Mike says, walking over towards the bed and tucking his daughter under the sheets and kissing her on the forehead. "Sleep well," He wished her, Will repeated the gesture.

Both men walked outside of the room, waved at the girl, who was almost asleep, and turned off the lights, leaving Sasha with only hear fairylights on.

"Guess we have to get married now," Will says with a teasing tone, a smirk like smile spreading on his lips, "since she already sees me as your husband, and you apparently do too"

"Guess we have to," Mike replied, walking up behind Will and wrapping his arm across Wills back, leaving his hand on his waist.


1120 words

I swear I didn't mean for this to get this long lmao.

Btw I want to start getting tips on my writing a little so I can improve! Or give me self-confidence in my writing, HAHA!!!

Ugh, btw I think I have a hyperfixation on apex legends rn, it's a 24/7 thought for me rn. I am losing sleep and forgetting to take care of myself bc of it.


I know I wanted to write alot this during Christmas... but I had no concentration whoops (I def wasn't playing apex 24/7)

Anyways how is everyone? Did you guys have a nice break? Ugh I hope yall are doing AMAZING!!!

Btw the leaks!!! You don't know how much I appreciate Elmike (platonic), and that scene seemed so platonic and I just love them sm and iabofhwndocwiheidid.

Btw shout out to my dad and his friend. For giving me this lovely idea bc they keep joking abt getting married.

Hope everyone has a lovely day!!!

-C 🚢

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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