~Eight ~

489 6 13

~ Mike pov ~

I just opened up to Will about El, that im scared of losing her becouse I ' love ' her. I realised a while ago that I dont love her in that way anymore. But I still love her as a friend ofcourse. But I didnt tell Will that. Im just scared it would blow my cover.

Its that I realised I like Will, more than a friend. I just mixed up Platonic feelings and Romantic feeling, and I just realised that now. 

But it broke me when El told me, A while ago in a letter, that he is painting a lot, and that he is working hard on this painting for a girl he likes. I cried so hard. I luckily have Nancy by my side. She now has a relationship with Robin, so its easier to open up to her with these kind of problems, becouse she is different too.

I look back at Will and smile softly, and then remember how disqusting I am.

" Hey Mike, can I- show you something?" Will asks me breaking my thoughts. 

I nod and he inmediatly starts searching trough his bag, I just smile and admire him. God, he is so butiful.

Will grabs whatever he wanted to grab and gives it to me. I hesitantly grab it over and smile while opening the paper.

It was a painting of a dragon, with our dnd characters in front of it, fighting it. It was pretty, Im 100% sure for where Im going to hang it up in my basement. 

" Its amazing! Did you paint this?" I ask him inspecting the painting more. Then moving my gaze to him.

" Uh... yeah" He says hesitantly but continues anyway, " El basicly asked me to, shecommissioned it, she basically told me what to draw. Anyway my point is, " he stops and wises with his fingertips to my dnd character.

" See how you are leading us here, you are guiding the party, inspiring us. Thats what you do. And see your coat of arms here? Its a heart. And I know its sort of on the nose, but that's what holds this party together. Heart. Becouse, I mean, without a heart we'd fall apart. " He stopped for a second while I was staring at him, am I making him unconfortable? Stop overthinking Mike.

I turned away for a second to think, while he continued. 

I started thinking about El's letters, she was talking about that she wasnt allowed to see any of his paintings. She is also bad at lying, so if she really asked Will to paint that she already told me that. 

Is Will lying? 

She also said he was painting for this girl he likes.

Wait a second... Is it me who he likes?

I feel my cheeks getting hotter, and then I looked at him again and smiled widely.

"-and if she was going to lose you, I-, I think she would rather get over with it quick, like ripping of a bandage. So yeah, El needs you mike, and always will " he finishes and I just nodded.

He wasnt talking about her, he was talking about himself.

Everything clicked together. He likes me.

I remember everything, how he was so jealous of me and El getting together, all the times he looked at me. How he is so much more nice to me, how he would get so flustered around me, how he would blush everytime I conplimented him. 

And I like him too. 

But I cant confess now since Jonathan and Argyle are in the car. 

"Yeah? " I respond to his story and see tears filling his eyes. "yeah. " He replies and turns around. leaving both of us in our own thoughts.

✩ Time skip to when they are back in hawkings and in Hoppers hut on that couch, Mike never said ' I Love You ' to El ✩

El walks out of the room. She is really angry, I dont know why. Me and Will have talked more the last few days and the realisation that he likes me too cant leave my mind. I have been starring so much at him.

We took a seat on the couch that was sided. Everything in Hoppers cabin is really dirty and the furniture is or really dirty that you cant use it anymore, or broken. 

We are sitting so close to eachother, I swear our knees are touching. Even with little touches he can give me butterflies.

I turned to him thinking about if this is the right time to confess that I know about his feelings for me and that I feel the same. 

"Hey Will, can we talk about something? " I asked nervous, he turns to me and nodded while smiling. I sighed deeply and grabbed his hand, holding it softly and brushing his hand with my fingers. 

" So... uhm. El told me you liked somebody, a girl " I started not knowing how to tell this. He blushed and turned away. " sort of,  yeah " he said back. I knew that it isnt a girl but just to test it. Now im 100% sure.

I grabbed his other hand and looked him in the eyes. I inmediatly saw him get all flustered and he turned away inmediatly when he realised it himself. I just giggled at him. 

"I think I know who that girl is " I say teasing a bit. Will nodded with full confidence not knowing my information. 

" I bet you dont " He said. I never heard him saying something with so much confidence. I just laughed, again.

" I do know it, and I know they like you back." I said smiling at our hands who are still connected and felt his hands get a bit sweaty. 

I looked up and saw that he was as red as a tomato, I was probably too. 

" yeah sure, who is it then? " He tried, and laughed it off but once he saw the siriusness in my face, he stopped midtrack and looked shocked. 

I let go of his hands and traveled them to his cheeks and brushed them lightly, then stroking his hair back and then cupping his face and made a look if he was okay with me kissing him. he nodded and that was my sign to connect our lips. It was short, but full with electricity, our lips moved together in sinq and fitted perfectly together. We pulled away and smiled.

" See? I know who you like " I laughed him joining me soon after. Then Hopper walked in, luckily we werent kissing but we were still close to eachother. 

" Hello guys, where is El? " he asked with a big grin.

We nodded to her room and he walked to it.

" so... " he began, " uhm- wanna go outside? " he asked standing up and holding out his hand to hold, I grabbed it and we walked outside to the others waiting for Hopper and El.


1167 Words.


Sorry for not posting any new chapters! I was mostly looking for a scedule and having it busy with life.

I am going to try to post twice a week! This week im going to post another chapter on Thursday (then its my birthday slay) 

I hope you are having a nice day today! STAY HYDRATED AND EAT SOMETHING!!! I care abt you <3

Again thank you so much for 1k reads!!! <3

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