~ Eleven ~

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Dear Diary,  

its almost been a year since the fight. My arm is still broken. El has been doing great! She has been concentrating on her powers lately, trying to make them better and it seems like its working too! but im going to talk about that soon.

The party is doing great I guess. We are still all devistated after what happened to Nancy, Steve, Max and Dustin. They died. Its horrible without them. In the first few weeks after the fight nowone talked, 

Me, Mike and El were trying to cheer eachother up, wich didnt work that good. 

In school im doing great, I help Mike alot with subjects. Im so glad we are the same as before all the things that happened. Me almost dieing in the upside-down, the mind flayer in general, and Vecna. 

Mom and Hopper are in a really healthy relationship. I am so happy that they are happy. 

I almosr forgot im making this HUGE painting at the moment. Its the whole gang who helped to defeat Vecna, dead and alive. 

Mike is doing worse than before, he is doing really bad. Nancy died and she was his excape whenever he was struggeling. His parents are fighting so much, he is staying over at me and Els house almost every night. He tries to hide his tears during the day but when its night he just cant stop crying. I feel so bad for him. He would sometimes come to school with scars becouse he wants to bring Holly with him, to take her away from their parents. Mike and Holly have standard rooms to stay in. 

I really love that Hopper and my mom, Joyce, let them stay as long as they need.

Every time they stay over I try to cheer Mike up to paint him or something like that. 

But El is avoiding us since what happened, but I dont blame her.

I was talking about that El is trying to make her powers stronger. She found something new in her powers.

Time traveling

Actually seeing into the future, but time traveling just sounds cooler.

She accedentiatly did it. When she figured it out how she called me to ask if she could see my future, and obviously I agreed. 

I wish I didn't.

So here is what happened.

I sat in front of her while she covered her eyes with a cloth, and sat in silence. 

" I found it " she said and put one of her hands on my shoulder while I closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes we were some place dark, and wet. 

"Is this it? just darkness? " I asked laughing a little. She shook her head and started walking into a random direction. I ran after her till I heard something behind me, I turned around and saw myself, but ten years older. 

I was happily reading a book, when a kid crawled up to me. The kid had fluffy black hair, freckels all over their face, and green eyes. Future me picked them up, it was a girl, and started brushing her hair with a comb. 

I smiled at the sight that im going to be happy when I grow up. 

El still wasnt next to me, but I continued looking around anyway. I turned to my left and saw me and Mike playing with the girl, my future daughter probably, at a playground. He eventually put his arm around my shoulders and led me to the bench, I couldnt see there so I turned around again. 

I saw another one with me and Mike, but this time El and Lucas were with us too. Lucas was a little bit more happy then now. El looked really happy. We were watching a movie, I could see that I was sleeping on Mikes shoulder, his arms around me. El was also asleep on the couch, and Lucas was talking with Mike. 


Mike and I never done such a thing before? Whatever.

I looked at my right and saw me and Mike together, again. I looked around more, and saw that almost all the memories were with Mike. What is this all with Mike? Not that Im complaining, im happy we are still friends in the future.

" Hey Will! Where were you?" El called from behind me and stood next to me. She looked around at my future memories. "Omg you are going to get a kid! " She squeeled looking at the first memory I saw. 

We looked more around till we were at this... particular Memory. It was me and Mike cuddled up on the couch, like really close, and we were laughing at these things on television. 

I felt something creep up behind me, I quickly turned around. It was Mike.

" So, what exactly are we doing here " he said looking around too, very confused at all these things.

" This is Wills future " El said Happily and started walking around while I still was looking at the one with me and Mike cuddled up. Mike stood next to me and span around taking short glances at everything. But then he randomly stopped. I turned to him and saw that he stood in shock. 

I tried to find what he was looking for. but then I saw it. Us kissing.

But I saw something more.

We both were holding hands, and we had a ring with eachothers name on it.

So yea. that happened now 1 day ago, its been really aqward since.

, Will


913 Words


I dont know if I like this one but idc. 

I am maybe posting one more tonight! I have a few hours so yea. 

Have a wonderfull day and stay hydrated and eat something!

Byler // oneshots igحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن