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Pulling on the soft blue sweater over his head, inmediatly smelling Mike. Mike's smell was conforting to him, always has been. And now having his own little piece of that makes him feel safe.

Mike pushes down the hood from the sweater of his Will is wearing right now. His fingers lingering by Wills ears, he brushed a strand of Wills hair away, leaned down and kissed him shortly.

He looked at him. Really looked at him, with so much love. A warm blush spread across Wills face.

Mike smiled at him, "you better now? Not cold anymore?"


"You look amazing in it. " Mike said and hugged him tight. Will smirked and kissed him again.

They sat down on the bed together, their pinkies interwined, smiling to eachother like they were the stars, flying up in space. Snow was falling outside, they were surrounded by a cologne of chocolate and pine trees, with a little dash of lemon.

It was Will who suggested the kiss, he was the one who leaned in. And he wrapped Mike up in his arms, Mike kissing him back, holding Will, whrapping his hands in Wills hair, pulling them closer. They leaned back onto the bed and shared soft, sweet, short kisses.

They both held eachother, they loved doing that. They leaned apart and Will kissed his forehead, and they both could have melted into the moment. They both floated around eachother, like the world was a little les heavy when they were in eachothers proximity.

Not remembering the ways they would wish to forget the other when they were younger, their love without hope. Yearning from afar and never imagining growing old together. But remembering that those foul thoughts could turn out actually real. That Mike and Will both have front seats for that experience.

Mike nuzzled to the crook of Wills neck, breathing him in. Nothing but the thought of Will invading his mind. Will wrapping his arms tighter around Mike, closing their eyes, so full of love.

For eachother they are loving, for eachother they are safe, for eachother they are everything. They were everything. They felt like everything.

Nothing felt perfect until the first time they hugged like this. Loving eachother for loving eachother. Loving eachother like the sun loves the moon. The plants the rain. The

Mike listened to life, to Wills breathing, to Wills heart pounding, to Wills deep and calm exhales. To Will.

"Would you still love me if I'm gone?" Mike asked, muffled into Wills neck and hoodie.

"What is that for a question, Mike? Ofcourse I would." Will said leaning down kissing Mike on his forehead.

He didn't know. He leaned into the touch. Wills skin is so soft and loving. He wants to stay here, forever.

"You don't know how much I love you. How long I've loved you that way. I can't imagine a world not loving you. " Will pulled Mike closer, if that was even possible.

"I'm just scared. I'm so scared. With everything going on. El's power is growing weaker, Max still not waking up, when it's been months. The monsters crawlin through the gate.

"I can't stop worrying. What now if I wake up tomorrow and Nancy's dead? Even though we know she is way to strong. What if I die tomorrow? Even worse, you. I know we won't. But there is always a 'what if?'. I'm just so scared Will. " He felt like crying.

Will played softly with his hair. Making a few tiny little braids from his long black hair.

"I should cut it soon. " Mike muffled what made Will sigh with a smile on his face.

"Awh. But I like your long hair," He said, "it makes you look cool. Or as El would say, bitching," they laughed, only them. Like nowone else was in the world.

Just them. Their happiness.

"But why did you ask that?"


"If I would still love you"

"Oh, I don't know. Its just alot is happening around us right now. And I'm just so happy you are by my side. As you are my happiness "

680 Words

I love them. And you guys deserved sweet fluff of them :< (bc the one before last one was a bit gorey and before i mainly wrote angst so...) (this is 3 drabbles put together but it fits!!!)

no more uploads till 2024!!! I will be making drafts when bored though.

I don't believe I will ever lose interest in these two. :3

This one was inspired by the song Anything by Adrienne Lenker. God that song is beautiful :<

And 2 uploads at once??? WOW THATS CRAZYYYY!!! Be proud of me 😏

Im going to be changing the photo of the story soon too!! So don't forget me!!! :>

I hope everyone is doing well!!!>-<

I wish everyone Merry Christmas and a wonderfull New Years!!!

-C 📼

Ps. you guys are my motivation, I love every single one of you so dearly :<

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