~ Ten ~

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I have seen a lot of people write a sort of Sleepover with the whole party. I wanted to do it too. So here I am at 2 am writing this shitty story lol.


Will was packing his stuff for the sleepover at Mike's house. The party has planned on doing that for a while now. And it's finally time.

Will was really exited, a sleepover with your crush, for him was that Mike.

Will was packed and walked downstairs to his mom, and waited for Eleven to come downstairs. He chatted with his mom for a bit till Eleven walked downstairs. Their mom stood up and walked to the car, Will and El followed.

It was not a long drive, but it was really long to walk that bit.

They arrived 10 minutes later, the bikes from Lucas, Dustin and Max stood in the front. Everyone was probably waiting for them to arrive.

Will and El said bye to Joyce and walked towards the front door, what was now opened by Mike and the others, they were also really exited.

They walked downstairs to the basement after saying 'hello " Karen, Mike's mom.

" first we are going to make the beds and stuff, then we are going to search for a movie and watch it with loads of snacks, then we are going to do some random games. Then we will just talk till we fall asleep. " Mike tells us fu of excitement. I smiled at him softly what he didn't notice.

Mike magicly summons the stuff they need for the night. pillows, blankets, and more. Will glancing over at Mike every few minutes, what Max soon noticed.

She nudges him and says " Hey can I talk to you for a sec? " She smiles and looks over at Mike and smirks, Mike just blushes and turned towards the stairs to grab more pillows. Will nodded to Max and they went upstairs to sit against a random wall in Mike's house.

" you were starring very lovingly to mike a few minutes ago. " she smiles, almost smirked.                " meaby " Will said back.

" you definitely like him, more than a friend " she says and nudges Wills shoulder. Will just smiled to nowhere and turned when he heard Max squeeling.

" he likes you back. " she says inmediatly, Will shook his head becouse she would only say that to him as a friend, right? " He and El broke up a few days ago, remember? HE broke up with HER. " she says. " Lets go downstairs or they meaby become suspicious " she then laughed, Will joined and they walked back to their friends with 3 bags of chips.

Will took a seat next to Mike, their arms touched and they both blushed and didnt pull away. During the movie were a few jumpscares and Mike would grab Wills hand and wont let it go now. Will laughed everytime Mike jumped, it looked really stupit, but it was cute. 

After the movie were Max and El cuddled up together under the blanket. Mike and Will shared a blanket too but they kept it formal, to not make things aqward for their friendship, even thought they both wanted what El and Max had.

" Lets play a game, " Dustin said and walked towards the tv and turned it off. Everyone nodded.

"Okay, but what game? " Lucas asked.

"Truth or dare? " Max suggested, wich everyone agreed to.

" Okay me first" El said, " Max, truth or dare? " 

" Dare obviously, im not a pussy like the rest of yall " Max said confidently. 

" Okay, uhm " El thought for it a bit, " do 20 jumping jacks! " El said not knowing what to pick. Max did them, she actually did 30 becouse she thought ' why not ', they all continued to play for a bit.

" Okay, Mike, truth or dare? " Dustin asked. 

" Truth " Mike said and Max said that he was a pussy and whispered a truth to Dustin, his eyes sprankeled up and nodded agresifly to Max. 

" Do or did you have a crush on someone in the party that is not El? " Dustin asked with a grin from ear to ear. Mike blushed ( mikey wikey blushed /JOKE ) and looked to the ground in embarresment . but slowly nodded, making everyone in the room gasp and then squeel. like a bunch of fan girls. 

"Who is it? " Max basicly screamed. 

" Not gonna answer that. One question only, Mayfield " Mike said grinning, and taking a short glance at Will, and smiled and quickly turned back again.

everyone really wanted to know who his crush was obviously.

After 20 minutes everyone got bored of the game and thought of what to do next. Max suggested 7 minutes in heaven, but everyone denied. Max said they all were pussies again.

" Lets just play hide and seek, its a kids game but i dont care " Lucas said, already anoyed at everyone. They all agreed and El started counting with Max, becouse El doesnt know the rules. And everyone went off to go and hide. Mike hides in his closet ( same ), Will in the living room, Lucas in the kitchen, and Dustin asked if he could hide in Nancy's room. Nancy said yes, and also said she let nowone elses in. so that he is propably going to win.

Max and El found Lucas first, then Will, then Mike. And after one hour they gave up and screamed that Dustin had won, who came out of Nancys room as soon as they screamed that.

They all went to the basement again and now it was Lucas' turn to count. This time the hiders were in teams. Dustin and Lucas went counting, El and Max were one hiding team, and Will and Mike were the other one.

There were new rules now. 

Rule 1 : You must be in the same room as your team mate.

Rule 2 :  If the seekers found you, you and your partner must go downstair and are not allowed to help the seekers.

That were the only new ones. 

Mike and Will went to the kitchen, Will was hiding under the sink ( i have this small space under the sink idk if everyone has it but idc ), Mike was still looking for a hiding place.

" 2... 1... HERE WE COME! " Dustin and Lucas screamed.

Will pulled Mike with him under the sink and put his hand on Mike's mouth to keep him silent, but Mike was to lost in Wills eyes and stared at him while Will listened if the seekers were coming ( im getting young royals vibes ).

Will turned back to Mike after hearing nothing, the tension became thick, and Will slowly removed his hand from his mouth to his cheek. They only just realised how close their faces were. Mike lifted his hands to Wills cheek aswell. And slowly started leaning in, Will did too.

Their eyes moving from the others lips to their eyes, continuing till their lips were on eachother, right when the doors opened, now Lucas and Dustin stood there in shock, Mike and Will were in shock too. Did they just kiss?

"CALLED IT! " Dustin screamed and walked away. " SINCLAIR, you now owe me 20 bucks" he called to Lucas who still stood there in shock. 

Mike and Will just smiled at eachother.

🍎  🍊 🍋 🍐🍇🫐

1219 Words


Wasnt planning on posting becouse me and my mom were supposed to watch one of my favourite movie. 

also im making a tik tok account atm for updates for my stories, couse im also writing alot of other stuff behind the scenes! I will tell the user ( hopefully ) next chapter!

Btw its August so keep ur curtans closed! AUGUST IS EVERYWHERE!

Hope you are doing well! have a wonderfull day / night / whatever time it is 



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