~ Thirteen ~

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OMG THE PHOTO AHHHH! edit : i forgot the photo. But now it's added lol. This one is long lol. This is like exactly after the last shot s4 vol2

" This is bad. like really bad " Mike said freaking out what made the others look at him with a shocked expression of what they are seeing, Hawking split in four. It looked horrifying. They ran back to Hopper's cabin and started making a plan.

"We deffeniatly need Murray. Can you and Jonathan bring Mike and Will to him? And then pick up Max, Dustin and Erica. Murray will drive them to The Libary. " Joyce said, Jonathan and Nancy nodded and they all ran outside to the cars. Mike and Will sat in the back, with a aqward silence between them, while Jonathan and Nancy were looking for the way to Murrays house. Will often taking glances from Mike during their way there. Mike obviously cought him sometimes, but then blushed and looked away.

They arrived 20 minutes later. Mike and Will jumped out of the car and ran to the door, while Jonathan and Nancy drove away in a hurry. Mike rang the doorbell and there became the famous voice of Murray.

" Look to the camera and give me your name, please " He said. Will looked to the doorbell where Mike rang the bell. " NO its to your right. yeah now look up " they followed the instructions and said their full name.

"Come in " Murray said opening the door and leading them their way to his living room. " What do you guys bring here? " He said walking to the kitchen and grabbing vodka while Mike and Will took place on the couch.

"Havent you seen? Hawkings is absolutely destroyed. Its- " Mike started. " - Splitten in pieces. It is horrifying. You need to come " Will finishes. That happens more often lately. Finishing eachothers sentences, but they do it since they first met so they were used to it. Mike glanced at Will, who already was admiring him, and smiled softly, then shaking his head and turning back to Murray.

" We need to go as soon as possible. " Mike stated and stood up, Will followed his actions.

" Okay " Murray said running to his kitchen to put his glass, what was only a few seconds ago full with vodka, and went to this room to grab weapons. He grabbed his keys for the car and they all ran outside.

Mike and Will were in the back becouse next to murray sat Enzo, who already was in the car. Murray started the car and they drove away.

During the ride it was silent, aqward silent. Will wasnt aware of that becouse he was lost in thought, worried about his family and friends. And asking himself things like : What now if everything goes whrong? What now if El dies? What now if- And so on and on and on. He was obviously stressed.

"So how do you lovebirds survive the day without being bullied by kids? do you guys help eachother with it or-? " Murray asked. Interupting Wills thoughts and looked with a shocked expression to Mike.

" We are friends " Mike said simply. And turned away. Will was blushing really hard and turned away to hide it.

" Ah, let me guess. one of you two has a girlfriend to hide their own feelings from another, becouse he is ashamed of himself becouse he likes his friend. He liked the other since they were very young. But then realised it wasnt normal and that he should hide from others, including himself. he got a girlfriend just so that other people wouldnt notice that he is obviously gay. He also couldnt accept it himself so he was homofobic to himself. He broke up with his girlfriend too becouse he just realised his feeling werent platonic anymore.

And with the other, dont get me started. He had liked the other also since they first met. But he was already aware that he wasnt normal. His father told him that becouse he was too girly or something like that. " Murray finishes, looking into the car mirror to the back and see that they are both flustered, he is so right.

Byler // oneshots igजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें