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They both looked up at the same time as Dustin told (screamed) at them where they were standing. The mistletoe lighting up above them. They looked at each other again, and Will smirked.

"Guess we have to kiss, huh?" He teased.

"I guess yes," Mike said jokingly back.

And they leaned in and kissed. Dustin stared at them, mouth awide. Lucas just laughed while Max asked El what was happening, and why there wasn't coming anything from Wills and Mikes mouth anymore, even though she knew.

It was a short kiss, but it felt like everything. Feeling homely, their lips soft against each other. Warmth spreading through both bodies, especially because it was so cold outside, snow falling onto the ground, the wet windows freezing a little. In the short time, they were so open to each other, like they were sharing their darkest secrets.

When they parted, they felt like everything and nothing at once. They just looked at each other, aqwardness in the air. But it was broken by Max, who screamed, "THEY KISSED???" Towards El, who flinched a bit but laughed. They all soon joined in.

But Mike and Wills award tension, and their flushed faces and ears never left.

They all watched a movie when the sky became darker, when the moon started shining brightly across the dark sky, the stars filling the black canvas. All six teenagers cuddled up together on the old couch at the Hendersons.

It was a tradition for the last 3 years to sit at someone's house, watching a cringey Christmas movie at night, having a sleepover, and always waking up stone cold in the morning. And if you're really unlucky, a foot in your face, being kicked or slapped awake in the middle of the night, or falling off the couch.

These kinds of nights help Mike a lot, his parents were fighting more lately, nowone got hurt and nothing broke but the words that were spoken were harsh. He and Nancy tried their best to keep Holly a little bit away from it. It was the only thing the two siblings could agree on.

He smiled at the people around him, all having sleepy faces, and some even sleeping. Those who were awake talking silently. All of them were wrapped up in warm blankets, and everyone was covered by atleast two. The Christmas tree was lit right beside the turned off television. Not a bright light, it's just shining towards them.

He looked over at Will - god, he will always look at him, wherever he is, - who was lying fast asleep on one of the soft sofa chairs. Looking so peaceful with only his head sticking out of the mountains of blankets on top of him. Mike smiled over at the others sleeping face, he knew he was being watched by Dustin, and, with Wills face, lips, touch, in mind he drifted off to sleep.


He woke up again with a stir while pillows were thrown with speed at his face. He managed to dodge the last one with his arms, groggily. He run a hand through his hair and looked at the grinning faves of his loving, hateful, friends.

"Morning sleeping beauty, its lunch time" lucas teased, throwing another, unexpected, pillow at Mike, who tried to stand upright while being sleepy, and now being thrown back onto the couch. So now he tried for the second time to stand up and succeeded this time.

Then he noticed outside, and the wind hitting the windows so harsly Mike was impressed the windows didn't break.

"Snowstorm. We aren't allowed to go outside" El said, throwing an arm around her girlfriend, and seating her down on the couch, snuggling close to Max.

Dustin nodded "want to play dnd?" He tried suggesting, getting nods from Lucas and Mike (Max and El just looked at eachother, and as if with telepathy, understanding eachother and sighing teasingly). And they set up the coffee table, using stuff from a game they played a while ago.

Just as Mike wanted to ask where Will was, the guy in question walked in with food, pancakes with some fruits, with Mrs Henderson in tow behind him. She was holding drinks.

"Thank you again Will for helping," she said as Will gave her a nod, then she turned to everyobe," you guys have fun" she added with a wink fondly, and left the room, footsteps not heard over the exited chatting, or just that Will was in the room again, and that it felt like it was just Mike and Will. Thoughts of their shared kiss invaded their thoughts again and they both looked away and bussied themselves with setting up the food, blankets, drinks and, for Mike, the game. The power turned up during setting it up, Dustin asked his mother for some candles, what she gave him.

They played for atleast 7 hours, when Dustin and Lucas left for more food. While Max and El were in a Slumber cuddled up together, Maxs arms wrapped around Els waist, holding eachother close. Leaving Mike and Will the only, conscious, people in the room.

Will tried to break the aqward silence that kept following them since the kiss, "I'm so happy for her," Will smiled softly at her sister and the girlfriend and put a blanket over the two girls, who kicked the blanket off of themselves somewhere during the 6th hour, "she deserves a normal life. " Will said, smiling at his sister and turning to Mike again.

"She does" .Mike hesitated, "you do too"

Will smiled at Mike, who returned it. They both glanced down at eachothers lips for just a second at the same time, not being able to catch eachother in the act. And quickly glancing towards the door where Dustin and Lucas now walked in with hushed voices, having an argument, and holding a bag of chips in their hands.

Max and El stirred when Dustin suggested to continue, what they did. They played till midnight, Max and El having woken up somewhere during the evening, them still wide awake when the boys were tired. When Lucas literally fell asleep on his hand they decided to stop.

Lucas and Dustin taking the ground again. And the rest on the sofa chair or the big couch, but with Eleven and Max talking on the sofa chair Will amd Mike lay down on the couch, just their legs touching, heads on the opposite side of the couch.

Dustin and lucas were asleep in seconds, while Will and Mike shared an aqward silence, the girls looking at them both from the corner of their eyes.

"UGH I'm done with this, I think we need to talk about last night Will. " Mike said nit being able to hold it in anymore.

Will nodded as if he was thinking the same thing.

They both sat up to be able to talk to eachother. Warmth filling them  both up while looking in eachothers eyes. And both analysing eachothers faces.

"I'm sorry-"

"I want to do that-"

They both started and ended.

"You first" Mike said.

"It seems so stupid. And crazy"

"Crazy together huh? Always together"

"I want to do it again" Will mumbled. And smirked at seeing the look on Mike's face, leaving butterflies in Mikes body, while his cheekbones reddened. Will tilted his head to the side and smiled at Mike. But having no reaction from Mike he was about to lay down again, but Mike pulled him into a fierce hug.

Mike laid his hand on the back of Wills head, fully pushing them together. Leaning backwards onto the couch and cuddling up to eachother

"For how long?" Mike asked.

"We are talking about years"

Mike laughed and pulled will close to him, leaning his head on Wills shoulder, embracing him fully. Melting into Wills arm, and breathed. "me too"

1310 words :3



Missed Elmax so much too :(


I'm getting so fucking fixated on Bloodhound (apex) and it's giving me BRAINROT I LOVE THEM SMMM :<

Happy holidays and a happy new year!!!

-C 🦇

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