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Midoriya grinned as he snapped his finger.

Thousands of people charged out their homes and began to attack all around.

He teleported away to enjoy the feast he had planned for himself.





A chant amongst those infected began, those with the same ideas united and did as much as they could to ignite the ideas to life.




Fires and explosions went off all over Japan, huge crowds of infected were behind it.
People who weren't infected were forced outside so they wouldn't be engulfed by the murderous flames.

However that wasn't of any help to them...

As anyone who wasn't killed by the flames was killed by the murderous infected or vampires.




Heroes began to panic, "this is definitely the work of the Blood Reaper, that or whoever is behind the infection is working with them directly!
Everyone split up and try to help evacuate the uninfected!"
Endeavor shouted at the crowd of heroes.

Aizawa immediately left the scene, the opportunity had basically served itself on a silver palate.

He shapeshifted in an alleyway and got to feasting alongside Midoriya.

Midoriya had already been on his tenth kill, because people were running in crowds he had been teleporting people out and killing them to avoid being seen.

Aizawa had been following the same strategy, it was the most simple and effective way to avoid getting caught.

"What's the order on the infected!?"
Edgeshot screamed to all might who had been struggling with the pile of innocent people who had been attacking him.

"We have to subdue them with the least amount of harm!
They're not doing this of their free will! They're still innocent!"
He screamed back as he gently kicked them all off.
He knew it would hurt them, but it was better than killing them.

Midoriya overheard what he had said as he finished off another meal, a chuckle escaped his lips.
"They already know the Infected are beyond saving. Why not kill them?

Keeping them alive is what puts them through more pain"
He laughed as he teleported away.

He had teleported to Aizawa who had just finished off his 6th.

"This plan worked more effectively than I thought it would"
Aizawa smiled as he dropped the body on the ground.

"I know. I'm glad I thought of it.
Killing Hawks and letting the thousands of infected run lose was definitely the best method to go"


"Traditional challenge?"
Midoriya offered.

Aizawa said as they both high-fived eachother and teleported away to continue on with their regular full moon traditions.

endeavor screamed as hundreds of people attacked him anyway they could.

Mirko screamed back as she also delt with her fair share.

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