Villain vs Hero

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Midoriya's ears picked up on movement, fast movement.
So fast that if he didn't move in that second he'd be attacked by flying debris.

He quickly jumped up into the air and grabbed bakugo with his telekinesis, just in time as well.
A blast of wind had powered through and made a fake bridge fall down as well as some other things.

All might walked in, revealing himself.

"I'm a villain now heroes.
Fight me with everything you got!"
He shouted.

"What the hell how'd you know it was coming???"
Bakugo said completely disoriented as he and Midoriya landed on a building.

"I saw it coming, this is all might we're talking about after all"

"Hm right.
Let's get on with the plan."
Bakugo jumped down and attacked all might with a large scale explosion.
Midoriya flew up, he knew he'd have an easier time beating all might if he just let Bakugo act recklessly.

"What a weak attack"
All might sneered as the smoke dissipated, revealing he had grabbed bakugo's head.

He sent Bakugo flying into a wall.

Midoriya caught him and brought him back up into the sky before all might attacked him.

Young Midoriya!"
All might said as he looked up at them.

Midoriya said as he looked around, all might would have a difficult time fighting in the air compared to him.

"Why don't you fly down and fight me?"

"Well why don't you come up here and fight me?"


All might sprung into the air, aiming to attack Midoriya but he missed all together.
Midoriya had flown right to the side, dodging the attack all together.

"Bakugo now"
Midoriya said.

Bakugo released another mass explosion right onto all might's face.

All might coughed some smoke as he landed onto a nearby building.
"Those feeble attacks won't work!"
He shouted as he jumped to attack once more.

Midoriya sighed, "I guess I should actually try now"
He sent Bakugo away onto a building as all might hurled his body over, ready to directly punch Midoriya.

Midoriya stretched out his hand and stopped him midair, 2 feet away from being punched.
All might couldn't move a muscle, literally.

The class  gasped as they saw all might struggle for the first time.

"So all I have to do is put this capture tape on you to win, right?"
Midoriya asked as he pulled out the tape.

All might began to nervous sweat, he couldn't move no matter how hard he tried...

He said, fearful.

Bakugo come put the capture tape on him"
Midoriya said as he tossed it at him.

"How the hell am I supposed to tape him up like that?"
Bakugo asked as Midoriya dragged him over with his telekinesis.

"Like this."
Midoriya stretched all might out and then put his arms behind his back. He then crossed his legs and bent them.
All might was like a little puppet.

Now tie him up"
Midoriya sent Bakugo over with the tape.

Bakugo quickly tied him up as Midoriya landed with the both of them on the ground.

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