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"Before the banquet begins, I'd like to introduce some people."
Chisaki said with a pause.

"That's our call.

You ready?"
Midoriya smiled as the door opened up before them.

"...I hate large crowds..."
Shigaraki groaned.

"I was a teacher, this is nothing."
Aizawa said boldly.

The trio stepped out and stood beside overhaul and Eri.
Midoriya was the tallest one there, noticeably taller.

The crowd of vampires below gasped, it wasn't just anyone that could be introduced the way they were all being introduced.

"This is Izuku Midoriya.
He is the soon to be king of the human realm."
Kai said as Midoriya directly faced the crowd.
"He was born among humans along with these 2. I found them all recently.

This is shouta Aizawa and besides him is Tomura Shigaraki.
They are both his subordinates"
He continued, showcasing the 3 of them.

"How old are they?"
A question from the crowd sprung up.

Kai handed them the microphone so they could speak for themselves, starting with Shigaraki.

"I'm 435 years old"
Shigaraki said, passing the microphone to Aizawa.

"I'm 6990 years old"
Aizawa said, earning a gasp from the crowd as he passed the microphone to Midoriya.

"And I'm 7940 years old."
Midoriya said with a fangy smile, returning the microphone to chisaki.

The crowd gasped even louder, Midoriya was easily the oldest vampire out there...

"How did you survive among humans for so long!
Especially with the sun...!"
Someone from the crowd yelled out.

"I'll be informing them of the rings"
Chisaki told Midoriya.


"Midoriya, during his millenniums on earth, made a priceless discovery.
He found a rock that allowed him to sit in the sun without any issue.

It sounds amazing, however there isn't any way we can mass produce this item.

So it'll stay reserved to soldiers and royal members, the vampires that will have to face the sun.

Midoriya's discovery has opened a new door for our kingdom!
And soon he will take over the human realm.

By joining the two realms, we will have an endless food supply!

Midoriya, do you have anything you'd like to say?"
Overhaul said, handing Midoriya the microphone.
It was the signal that it was his turn to speech talk.

"Hello everyone.
I'm a vampire born among humans, however it is because of that fact that I will be taking over the human realm.

I will make sure the freshest blood is brought over here.

My only problem is battling the humans, you may not know this but they've also gained powers.
They call their powers: quirks.
Only a small portion of humans however have strong quirks, but those humans happen to be the ones in control of everything.

But it is no issue.
Even with all their forces, they're no match.

Especially because his highness is allowing me to use the knights of this kingdom to take over.

It won't be long until I take over the human realm as the king.

So look forward to it"
Midoriya said as he ended his speech.
"The last time I had to call someone a highness was back a couple centuries ago."

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