Attack On Camp

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"Izuku Midoriya"


Midoriya woke up absolutely refreshed the next morning.
After the workout And a quick night hunt, he was able to sleep like a baby.

He was the first one awake, dawn was just a few minutes away.
He looked around, Kaminari had truly stuck to his word and slept on an air mattress that he had blown up with the use of his lungs.

"Tomorrow is the night of the full moon.
How nice."
He yawned as he stood up.
He quickly showered and dressed before his classmates had the chance, waiting in line for the dressing room was a pain that he didn't want to deal with.

After getting dressed, he stepped outside the cabin.
The sky was of a golden shade, the air was cool and crisp.
Midoriya took a deep breath in and let it escape slowly.
Life was nice when there wasn't anything to worry about.

He looked around, "no one else is awake.
I'll just go for a quick flight"
He flew up and looked down at the forest.
His eyes caught a mini cliff by the mountain.
He flew over and to his surprise he wasn't alone.

What're you doing here..?!"
The little kid screamed.

Midoriya landed, "I accidentally woke up too early.
What's your name?"
He asked as he played off friendly.

"...izumi Kota...
What do you want...!"

"Nothing, I just came here to look around.
You shouldn't be here alone so early in the morning.
What'll you do if you fall?"
Midoriya said as he pretended to be concerned.

"I won't because I'm not an idiot.
My quirk will save me"

"Ok what's your quirk?"



Kota blasted Midoriya in water.

Midoriya let out a loud gasp as he stared down at his now drenched clothes.
"Now why would you do that?"
He asked as he used his telekinesis to dry himself off, he pulled off all the moisture he could.

"You wouldn't leave me alone.
Now buzz off"

"You're lucky I can't kill you.
Midoriya flew off with a strained smile, once he was far enough the smile faded away.

There's an unfamiliar scent in the air.
Well I am in a forest.
Whatever, what's the worst that could happen anyways?"

He landed back before the cabins and found Mandalay with Aizawa and pixie-bob.
They were preparing to scream into the mic.

He shouted as he landed beside them.


"What're you doing awake?"


"Let me get far enough before you scream into that mic."

"You have 5 second-"

Midoriya immediately flew off into the sky, far enough that the screaming would only sound like a distant conversation.

She screamed as she awoke the class yet again.

After a repeat of the day before they all shuffled out and found their stations.

"Today's training won't be as hard because tonight we're playing a fun game with class 1-B!
They're at a different cabin area in the forest!"
Mandalay cheered as she sent a wave of relief through the class.

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