Case: Blood Reaper

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"...killing the infected...?"
Tsukauchi repeated.

"I know it sounds inhumane...
But endeavor kept arguing that they're too far done and due to die in 2 weeks anyway..."
Mirko sighed.

"We can't do that...
It's messed up"

"Kill innocent people...?"

"The infected are still human..."

Disapproving murmurs went around the room as Midoriya watched in the background.
He had been grinning ear to ear, it was amusing to him after all.

One of the commission leaders interrupted as everyone fell silent and looked at him.
Dr. Haru. You said they're beyond saving, correct?"
He asked.

"...yes it's impossible"

"So then they can be classified as Nomu.
Because of the dangers the infected being and the fact they're unsavable I want you all to treat them as Nomu.
You all already know the order on that."
He said as the other commission leaders nodded their heads.

"...but the order on Nomu is to kill them as quick as possible...
Are you really telling us to kill those innocent people...?"

"It was stated that they're in pure pain and are due to die 2 weeks after regardless.
Keeping them alive is not only dangerous to all of us but cruel to them.

By keeping them alive, we're basically putting them through 2 weeks of pure agony until they meet their demise.

If we're being realistic, putting them to death is the more humane solution.

It sounds horrible but if you think about it, it's the only reasonable solution there is.

As of now, we have the infected in large cages bound up by ropes and cuffs.

They're screaming and wailing in pain as we speak.

Wouldn't it be better to put them to rest?"
The leader explained.

"...but that's like...
Killing a terminally ill patient because they're close to death anyways..."

"No because terminally ill patients aren't killing people or locked up in cages waiting for their demise."

"...that's a fair point"

A silent agreement followed, while they were all still against it, it was logically just the best decision for them...

" we're just supposed to kill them now?"

"I mean... The Nomu were human too and we still killed them.
I guess we can think of them as those beasts but in human skin?"

"...I guess that does help"

Not only will they have a difficult time killing the infected, it might make them quit working as heroes all together."

"Were the casualties more or less than the last full moon?"

"...we had far more casualties this full moon than the last.
The lockdown plan didn't and couldn't work because of the infected."

So what do we do?
We can't lock everyone down when there are infected people burning them inside their homes...
But we also can't let people just wander around...

We have no idea what the Blood Reapers weaknesses are.
And seeing as how there are a group of people who full under the name blood Reaper, there isn't an actual way to stop them until we can capture 1 of them and figure them all out..."

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