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The day of camp dawned upon the class.
They were all chattering with excitement as they rode the bus to the location.

Midoriya was mentally preparing the whole ride for everything that was to come.

After a very long drive, they made it.

"This doesn't look like a camp"
Kaminari commented as he stretched.
He was right, nothing around screamed camp aside from the forest right in front of them.

"Yeah wheres the cabins and stuff?
Or are we setting up tents here?"

A car pulled up and out stepped 2 women.
One had short blond hair and another had short brunette hair.
Besides the both of them was a black haired child with Beady red eyes.

I'm Mandalay!"
The brunette cheered.

"And I'm pixie-bob"
The blond smiled.

"We'll be assisting you all during your camp trip this week!
I hope you're all ready!"

Where's the camp?"

A grin struck pixie-bob's face, "you see the mountain right there?"
She pointed as she stepped up a bit closer.
"Right as the base.
The camp is waiting"

Then what're we doing here...?"

"Let's get back on the bus..."


The class ran for the bus but pixie-bob launched them all off the mini cliff and had them land right before the beast's forest.

"Get through the forest!
Arrive at the camp before sunset so you can all have a tasty meal!"
Pixie-bob shouted from above as she got back in her car and drove off.

Midoriya swiftly landed among his classmates, he didn't want to get dirty and as soon as he noticied what she was about to do he flew up before he could get caught.

Kaminari screamed as he ran to him.


Your telekinesis is strong...!
Please take us to the camp...!"

"... kaminari-"

"Going through a forest isn't that difficult dunce face, stop being a loser and man up"
Bakugo hissed as he entered the forest first.


"It's just a hike. No issues.
Besides I'd probably get in trouble"

The class walked into the forest and they were all immediately met with trouble.
Clay beasts were attacking.

"This is pixie-bob's doing.
I just need to seperate myself from the class and from there things will be smooth sailing"
Midoriya thought to himself as he slowly crept away.

The class didn't notice at first.
But then after 10 minutes of Midoriya being gone, they started to ask where he went.

"Wait has anyone seen Midoriya..?!"


"Did he get lost?!"

"Did a beast eat him??"


Midoriya had been peacefully walking through the forest.
"Being away from the class is nice"
He sighed as he took down whatever beast he saw with the flick of a finger.

I could just teleport to the camp.
That'd save me time and energy"
Midoriya thought to himself as he went invisible as flew up into the sky.
He quickly spotted the camp and teleported there.

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