Chapter 25

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Jungkook has had enough, he will not fight his childhood friend anymore.  "Taehyung! Stop this! This isn't you and you don't really want to do this!" "You don't know anything about me Jungkook. You walked out on me when I needed you the most so don't you dare talk about what I want!"

"Yes I left because I thought you didn't want to be my friend anymore. Many days I've tried talking to you, trying to figure out what was on your mind but all you did was push me away and ignore me...what was I supposed to do huh?!" Taehyung laughed,  "I don't know, maybe try harder?!"

"Tae there's something you need to kn-"

"ENOUGH TALKING JEON. MOVE ASIDE OR DIE!!"  Tae's eyes turned bright green and red as he charged at Jungkook who yelled out  "YOUR FATHER KILLED YOUR MOTHER!!!" 

And just like that Tae and everyone halted when they heard these words.  

"W-What did you say?"  Jungkook took a deep breath,  "Many years ago there was a witch who had a thirst for magic. She found two sources but unfortunately one of them she could not locate, so she made movements towards the second source which is this very land we stand on...the very land Ördögház rests upon. Apparently this land holds more magic than what either of us has ever come across. She thought the land was easily accessible but to her dismay there were vampires who stood in her way once again. She wasn't sure if we knew about the land's worth and didn't want to risk her life trying to get it. 

Eventually she met your father and came up with a phony story about ALCHEMY tricking him into believing that us vampires are hogging what belongs to your kind. She used his thirst for power against him and many times they met up at night to plan their attack. Your mother became suspicious of him and followed him one night only to see the witch in his arms with their lips locked. She even overheard their plan to attack my father and decided to warn him the very next day. 

When the next day came, your parents had another fight and you thought it was about the whole singing and dancing situation but what really happened was this....your mother confronted your father about the woman he was with and all the magical things she'd seen and heard. Your father couldn't give her an answer...well not the one she wanted so she threatened to tell my father everything and left the house. 

The witch couldn't let her ruin their plans so she told your father to get rid of her. Hobi and I were on our way to your house that same day and we saw a group of rogues in the distance mauling something then we heard a scream and knew it was your mother. By the time we got closer all we saw was your father running out the house as he transformed into his wolf. We saw him attacking the other wolves...well that's what it was made to look like"  It was then that Taehyung spoke,  "What do you mean Kook?" "Somehow the witch got to know about our visits to your house and couldn't risk us seeing the truth... Couldn't risk us seeing your father ripping your mother to shreds. 

It was all an illusion Taehyung...what Hobi and I saw along with what your father told you....was all a lie. The first lie was your father's hatred for music, he actually loved it and it was your mother's voice that made him fall in love with her. The second lie was him not being proud of you, the truth is....there was never a day that your father never felt proud of you Taehyung. He just needed a petty reason for him to resent you so in return you would do the dirty work for him...which is something your family is known for....they reap the rewards after getting others to do their dirty work and that is what you're doing right now. The third lie was of course the death of your mother. With the help of the witch he left those books for you to find knowing that you were desperate enough to feel his love... It was all a lie Tae...we were all lied to from the very beginning"

As Jungkook spoke Taehyung's eyes gradually returned to their normal color and he shifted back to his human form. It was a lot to take in and he is not even sure if Kook is lying to him but his thoughts were interrupted by clapping and laughing. When he turned around he saw the one man he was hoping not to see....his father.  "Well well well...Jungkook I knew you were smart but not this smart. You've figured everything out...but no matter the deed's already been done and my Queen shall soon claim her prize...all we need is a little help from you Jungkook"  he made movements towards Jungkook but Taehyung stood angrily in front of him  "I just need to know one thing you sick bastard. Did you do it? Did you kill my mother?!" 

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