Chapter 27

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A few days after they decided to have a concert, both groups set out to write two songs as well as choreograph dances for them. Each of them needed to figure out who was best suited for what... like for example, who is or are better dancer(s)? Who has strong vocals? Who is better at rapping and so on and so forth. Both groups went about their mission in different domains.

The other night they decided on the group members and a name for their group. Since there were fourteen of them who were interested, they divided themselves in half. SuperM was the name given to one of the groups and their members were: Baekhyun, Ten, Lucas, Kai, Taemin, Taeyong and Mark. The other group was called BTS and of course the seven members were: Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

No one knows what kind of music or performances these groups will bring but everyone was looking forward to it. BTS met in Jimin's studio where they would write the songs and choreograph the dances to them while SuperM would do the same in Taemin's studio. The groups wanted to create music that would show what they went through, what it took for them to be where they're at right now, what they would tolerate from the outer world as well as how they see themselves and how they're going about it.

About three weeks after the war, Jimin went back to his "human job" as Tracy had finally returned. He knew he had to tell her about what happened with Jungkook because that's one of the first things she'll ask the moment she sees him. He also knows he can't hide anything from her, why? Well for one thing his complexion has changed entirely since she left. He no longer has his caramel skin as it is now snowy white. The day Tracy returned they spoke for a long time as he told her everything that happened, he told her about Jungkook, about his life with him, about his parents and yeah, every single thing.

To his surprise, Tracy was very calm hearing this. She wasn't afraid that Jimin might suck her blood or anything like that. As it turns out, Tracy is actually one of those vampires who were made to look like a human all those years ago....Her full name is Tracy Lee and that makes her, Jimin and Taemin cousins. Small world right? Tracy then went on to tell him about how she had her suspicions about Jungkook especially when Jimin had said the male's skin was pale and also when he said he was distressed for some reason and the one who found him was Jungkook.

She didn't think Jungkook was a threat as she knew about the "prophecy". Tracy explained that her family had visited the Oracle...who would've been one of Yoongi's forefathers...and they were told about one of the Jeon boys making a difference and ending the feud between all species and he will do it with a Park, not just any Park but one who too was born to make a difference. Jimin could not believe what he was hearing, imagine everyone knowing every single detail about you from even before you were born and the moment you find out thinking it's such shocking news then, they hit you with "Yeah I already knew that".

Anyways, Jimin kept his promise to her before she left. Two days after her return, Jimin took Jungkook to meet her. They got along quite well, so well that one day when Jimin was busy serving customers, Jungkook wanted Tracy's help with something so he asked to speak with her. "What do you need, Jungkook?" she asked as she sat in her office chair. "You know how we're doing this whole concert thing right?... she nodded with a hum ... well I want to put on a special performance just for Jimin and since you knew him the longest I thought I'd come to you for ideas about how I should go about it"

"Hmm...may I know what this 'special performance' is?" Jungkook nodded and went closer to her and whispered his intentions to her. Tracy's breath hitched when he told her and stood up to hug him tightly while saying, "Oh I can see his face now. When you are ready to practice just let me know and I'll be there" they pulled away and Jungkook thanked her with a wide happy smile before he left.

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