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Love. It's just a word, but it carries so much in it. So much, it cannot be expressed. It's one of those abstract emotions, you know - a combination, more like a messy mixture of feelings. So what exactly makes it so special? Why is everyone talking about it? You see, unlike any other emotions, love can be found everywhere.

A little child giving a biscuit from her own pack to a stray puppy. A mother, raising her child, a part of herself, giving him selfless care. A butterfly gently setting on a flower and enjoying it's sweet nectar. It's all love.

In my opinion, true love changes a person. Well, it's not a transformation jutsu obviously, it takes time. And honestly, I would be lying if I said I knew all about it. But what I do know, is that when one finds true love, one learns to love himself (herself for girls, of course).

I, Raymond Sycamore, will be telling you my story. The story of how I found my own true love. The person who changed my entire life.

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