Chapter 7

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Soon, the JSS exam had been conducted. And well, good for me, I got selected for the 2nd level. Serena didn't, though. I was kinda sad for her. I was the topper among the other 3 students from my school who got selected with me. I felt at the top of the world.


One fine day, a select few members of my class were assigned a math project, and we had been given special permission to use the Math Lab in our school to prepare the project. Serena, I, and 4 other classmates headed to the Math Lab and got out stuff out to start with the project. Mrs. Brown, our Math teacher, was supposed to be there in half an hour.

I don't know what got over me, but I jokingly hit Serena on the head. She looked at me and said, "Ow! What was that for?"

"For being a no-brain, of course!" I said, laughing.

Serena gave me a glare. "We'll see who's the one laughing after this." she said as she got up from her chair and dashed straight to me. I quickly ran around to the other side of the table, so she couldn't hit me. "You were saying?" I said as I laughed.

"Just you wait till I get my hands on you!" she said, chasing me to the other side, just as I ran around once again.

She chased me and I ran. We were laughing so much and having a lot of fun. She didn't get her hands on me though. I was faster.

Remember I said Mrs. Brown was supposed to be there within 30 minutes? Well, teachers sure have the habit of showing up at the wrong time.

Mrs. Brown suddenly appeared in front of us, looking at us running around the table like little kids. "Just what are you two doing?" she asked with an annoyed face.

You can pretty much guess what happened next. By the end of the day, Serena and I had another crazy story to laugh upon.


The year went by like this. I don't know how I got this close to Serena, but we had developed a really strong bond. Soon, the final exams were over and we had summer holidays. Oh yeah, I made it to the final level of JSS and won the Silver Medal.

Well then, we stayed in touch over texts during the summer. My family had planned a vacation, so I was sort of busy, but that didn't make much of a change.

The next year, however, was going to be a drastic one for me. A life changer.

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