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Part 1 - Beginnings
Part 1 focuses on the newfound feelings of love in the narrator's 12 year old mind, still a kid, not knowing much about love.

Part 2 - Downfall
Part 2 depicts the drastic changes in the narrator's life as he makes his way from being a kid to being a teenager. Issues with friends, conflicts with old rivals, feelings of love, everything is a mess.

Part 3 - Mending
Part 3 is all about how the narrator copes up with the shock he experiences at the end of the previous part. It's all about mending his life and getting back up again.

Part 4 - Another Beginning
A new life awaits the narrator in this part. A 15 year old, now he knows more about the world, more about love, more about his own feelings. He is finally ready to confront them.

Part 5 - Struggle
Struggle follows the narrator's life almost everywhere. When everything seemed so good, sadly things didn't go well. It gets serious here.

Part 6 - Fruits
After going through everything, the narrator is at a point where everything seems to have come to a conclusion. Everything makes sense now.

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