Chapter 22

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This girl and I didn't know each other that well, but we were still friends. Last time I had a proper talk with her, it was in class 7. Few years back, we had stayed back at school for extra classes and were playing tag and I sorta hurt myself after falling down, and she gave me a bandage to put over the wound. She was a nice girl, I presumed.

Back then, she was quite the playful one. She was always cheerful, and seemed really nice to me. We did use to talk in class 7. One of Snakey's and my common friend used to sit on the bench behind her, so I sometimes went to sit with him.


"Long time no see? No cough this time, huh?" Penny said.

Cough? What the hell?

Yeah right. Cough. Back in class 7, there was something I used to tease her about, I really don't know what.. like it was nothing precise, even I don't know what it was, but everytime I passed by, I used to intentionally cough, and she would laugh. Never gave it much thought, though.

"Haha, forgot it." I managed to say. She simply smiled and we continued to talk the whole way to school. I kinda feel a bit energetic. It was a strange yet familiar feeling.


I still missed Serena. My best friend. But the sad thing was that she never approached me ever since that day at the camp. I hardly ever saw her at school, and she didn't talk to me. Why? Why such cold treatment? Weren't we best friends?

I concluded that she didn't want to talk to me anymore, because I had tried to stop her from getting into the relationship with Peter. I accepted it as my fault, and let go. If she didn't want to talk to me, then I won't force her. I'm not gonna bother her ever again.

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