Chapter 6

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Serena and I had started to get along pretty well. We played a lot at school, talked a lot in our evening classes at Mr. Becker's, and basically had a lot of goofing around to do. There was this one time when Mr. Becker scolded us for talking too much during class and we just laughed it off when he left. Life was pretty much back on track.

By now I had totally forgotten that there was even a time when I couldn't stand being around Serena. Lol how much of an idiot I was to be missing out on such a good friend.

A month later, we had a new admission in our class at Mr. Becker's. His name was Ronald. Mr. Becker introduced him to us and left to get his books. I called out to him, "Hey Weasley! Over here!" I tried to make it a Harry Potter reference but pretty much no one seemed to understand it. Except for Serena. She called out to him, "Ronald, he was just giving a Harry Potter reference. Don't mind him. Come over here!"

Ron came there and sat beside me. On one side was Ron and on the other was Serena. I said to Ron, "Dude sorry bout the Harry Potter reference."

"Eh it's alright, man." Ron seemed pretty chill about it. Good for me.

Then I turned to Serena. "Hey, you never told me you were a potterhead too."

"Well, what do you know, you never asked." She said and gave me a wink. I couldn't help but admire how nice she looked. Why do you have to be so adorable? I said to myself.

"Did you say something?" she asked.

"What, me? Nope. Nothing. Nothing at all." I replied. She shrugged it off. That was a close one. I thought.

Mr. Becker came in the class with some sort of glass bottle. It was brownish glass, and we couldn't see what was inside it. There was a sticker wrapped around it and it had some things printed on it. We wondered what it was.

"Class, today I will be showing you all the metal Mercury." Mr. Becker said.

Everyone's eyes lit up. We were gonna see the liquid metal for the first time in our lives.

"Remember, you have to be really careful with this. It is highly poisonous when consumed. So just observe it in your hand and then give it back to me."

We all replied with a "Yes sir." in chorus. Mr. Becker gave us all some mercury in our hands and it was an awesome experience. Then I looked at Ron. I had a crazy idea.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked Ron. He nodded.

I quickly got my geometry box - don't ask my why, that was the only thing I could think of at the moment - and poured some mercury in it. Ron did the same with his geometry box and we giggled. Mr. Becker didn't seem to notice.

But Serena did. I was not sure how she would react, but she didn't mind. Instead, she laughed along with us. She indeed was my type.

My type as a friend. Don't get any weird ideas, idiot.

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