Chapter 9

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"Samantha?! What the hell are you doing in my school?" I was kinda shocked.

"Well what's the big deal? I took admission in your school, that's all." Samantha said, picking up her things that had fallen to the ground because of our little collision.

"Oh, yeah. Right."

Samantha and I talked for a while. She said she was in division B, along with Serena.

Serena. Heck!! I totally forgot about her!! I said to myself as I hurriedly waved bye to Samantha. I was about to go and meet Serena but before I could head to her classroom, the bell rang. The break was over.

Dang it! Dang it! I went back to my class and took my seat beside Snakey. He came closer and whispered to me, "Dude, that girl.. Samantha... Do you like her?"

At this point I was so damn tired of everyone thinking that I liked Samantha. Can't I just talk to her? Like what the hell?

"Listen up. She's just a friend from last year. All this crap is just rumours. I don't like her in that sense, okay?"

"Alright, if you say so.." Snakey said as he went back to whatever work he was doing.

I decided I would meet Serena in the next break, which was after like 3 lectures. I waited and waited and finally the bell rang again, marking the second break. I got out of my class and told Snakey I would be right back, and was just about to go to class B.

Remember I said teachers have a habit of showing up at the wrong time? Have it again here. Mrs. Brown called out to me, "Ray! Can you help me with this?"

I turned around and saw that she was calling from the computer lab. I went in, strongly hoping that this was so small work.

It wasn't.

"I've heard teachers saying you're good at stuff with computers?" she said.

"Yeah, I guess?" I replied.

"Here, help me make this excel sheet real quick."

I knew this was gonna take time, and yeah, it sure did. The whole break was gone while I helped her with that work. And that was it. I couldn't meet Serena that day.

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