Chapter 1

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I have no idea when it all started. It was like this weird feeling I got. What? Love? Nahh!! This feeling was something different. Hatred? Nope, not that intense. Then... Yeah right. Annoyance.

I continued fiddling with my pen, waiting for our physics teacher to come and teach us. "What the hell man, it's already been 15 minutes! Does he plan to cancel today's class?" I said to my friend Alex.

Alex and I had been friends since like a year now I guess. We had enrolled our names for this exam called 'Junior Scientist Search' and for that purpose, we had joined this coaching institute. Along with me, there were a bunch of kids who had participated as well, and many of them had also joined this coaching institute thing. What made me wonder was why this totally dumb guy like Alex had even bothered to enroll himself for this exam. Like c'mon, Alex was the sort of guy who never studied. Then anyway, he had that habit of following me in everything I did. Idk, maybe he considered me his boss or something? Dunno really.

So anyway, back to my pen fiddling, Mr. Becker, our physics teacher at the institute, was late today for some reason. Let me tell you one thing, I am a potterhead. Today they were showing Deathly Hallows Part 2 on TV and it's the only part I haven't watched. I frickin missed it and came to this class cuz I'm more serious about my studies. But this? He's late like what the hell. I missed the movie so you might as well be early and teach us. I didn't miss the movie for nothing.

After what seemed like another 10 minutes, Mr. Becker finally showed up and entered the class. It wasn't a big room. Just a small bedroom sized space with a whiteboard and benches for all of us. Bookshelves all around had numerous books about physics, chemistry, biology, and what not. Those were none of my concern though. C'mon I'm just in class 6, what do you expect?

Well anyway, Mr. Becker wasn't alone. Behind him, followed a girl. A girl my age, obviously. Mr. Becker stood in front of us and introduced us to her. "Class," he said, patting the new girl on the back, "meet your new classmate, Samantha Yalden. She's new here, so she has missed the past few classes. Someone please give her your notebooks for covering up the missed syllabus."

Samantha then took her seat. She sat in front of me. I don't know why, but I got this sudden urge of kindness, and I tapped her shoulder. She turned around and greeted me with a smile. "Hey!" she said.

"Hello! I guess you need my notebooks? I'm the topper here, so I won't be needing these at home anytime soon. You can take them." I said.

"Oh how very kind of you! Thanks a lot!" Samantha then took my notebooks and stuffed then in her bag.

Now let me be very clear. I offered her the notebooks out of pure kindness. Not like I liked her or anything. But then there was this other guy called Paul, who shouted from the other end of the class, "Sycamore's got himself a girl!"

I was like, Dude what the hell? I just handed her the books out of kindness. And here they were, teasing me. Friends suck.

All the kids laughed and Samantha blushed a little. I however, was annoyed again. Mr. Becker entered the class again after a few minutes and started teaching.

No one looked at Serena this whole time though.

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