Chapter 28

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"Didn't I tell you not to call me that? Call me Ray! Get it? R-A-Y, Ray!"

She burst out laughing. I was overwhelmed. She was still the same. We were still best friends.


Serena didn't tell me why she didn't talk to me herself, and neither did I tell her why I couldn't face her. Like what should I have told her? That I loved her? Nah, I'll pass. I don't wanna ruin our friendship.

I just wanted things to become normal now. For us to stay friends. But the biggest surprise I got that day, gave me bigger hopes.

"So how's everything?" I asked her after we met the next day.

"All good." she said, smiling. Though, something was off. She wasn't like before. She wasn't radiating energy like she did back then. Something was definitely wrong.

"What is it?" I asked her, "You seem troubled."

"It's nothing." she said gloomily.

"So hey, I almost forgot. How's Peter? Haven't seen him since ages. How are you guys doing?"

"We broke up." she told me.


"Yes, 2 days after school started."





"Are you serious, Serena?" I was shocked. What the hell was this?

"Yeah..." she replied. Her eyes were not the cheerful ones they had always been. They were sad.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked.

"I was afraid. You wanted me about this."

"Why did you guys break up anyway?"

"He said he liked some girl from his building." she said, still sad.

"What? He left YOU for some other girl?" I was furious. Serena was a jewel. How could he just leave her like this?

"I'm not so special."

"To me, you are."

Fuck. What did I just say?! Serena looked up at me. She was a bit surprised. I shrugged it off.

I know this isn't what I should've felt, but honestly, I felt happy knowing this. But also, why hadn't Peter told me about this? Not like we never talked, we did talk sometimes, just not about Serena. Neither he, nor I brought up the topic. Weird.

What mattered was that Serena wasn't in a relationship anymore. I still had a chance.

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