Chapter 27

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--- 4 months later ---

Penny was hot, there's no denying that. Like c'mon, I had just hit puberty, what else do you expect from me? The temporary happiness I was searching for after I realised I couldn't have Serena, had manifested itself in the form of my infatuation with Penny. She was a good person, but no. The bond was not the same. It wasn't the bond I shared with Serena. It wasn't love.

I spent 4 months trying to get to Penny. I spent all this time trying to win her over, but it took me a long time to understand that this was not going to work out. Even if Penny and I would have started dating, it would never have worked out, cuz it wasn't love.

It took months for my 14 year old self to understand this, but now I did indeed know what I wanted. I wanted love, and Penny was not it.

Over this time, I saw Serena quite a few times. She didn't talk to me, though, and neither did I have the courage to go and talk to her first. I knew it was gonna be awkward.


"Dude.. I gave up on Penny."

A surprised Andrew looked at me and took a while to process what I had just said. He then suddenly seemed like something had bitten his leg, and almost yelled, "What the hell?! Bro are you serious??"

"Yeah man," I said, "she's not worth it."

"Calm down and think this straight, Ray. I have a feeling she likes you too."

"Andy you haven't even met her."

"Whatever, I still say you shouldn't give up on her."

"Andy, I've spent months thinking this through. Even you know what I had for Penny was lust, not love. I want love, and the person I loved is never gonna be mine." I said with a sad look.

"You mean that Serena girl?" he asked with a weird expression, "what do you even like about her?"

"I don't know man, she's just... Awesome."

"Whatever. But bro, Penny-"

I cut him off with a stern look, and he changed the subject, laughing nervously.


"What do you think, Snakey?" I asked, restless.

"It's Sean, you idiot!" Snakey snapped. Lol it rhymes, Snakey Snapped.

"Yeah man, sorry. Just tell me what I should do."

"Just talk to her alright? Don't trouble me with this again. You're a weirdo, Ray." Sean said. He was not that friendly anymore. I really missed the old him. This was Sean, not my Snakey.

"That hurt, you know..." I said that and left. I think he gave me a weird look.


Alright. You can do this. You've got to do this. Okay? Ready...
and 3.

I entered that class. It wasn't mine. I was determined. I had to do this. I couldn't cut her off completely. Serena Jackson, I'm gonna get you back. We are best friends. But um... Where are you?

Like seriously, where was she? She wasn't in the class. Damn it! I thought.

"Ray?" I heard her call out my name from behind. I turned and saw that face I had always adored. I saw those eyes, the eyes that went as deep as the ocean. I saw the girl I loved.

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