Chapter 31

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"You have a lot to explain, you idiot!" I slammed my hand on Peter's desk. He looked surprised.

"Whoa, calm down, dude. What is it?" he said.

"You broke up with Serena, didn't you?" I said, furious.

"Yeah, I did. 2 or 3 days after school started. Why though?" he said nonchalantly.

"And you never even bothered to tell me about it? Like we have been in touch since then and you never even told me about this?"

"I guess I forgot, haha.. why? Your feelings for her rekindling or something?" he asked.

Wait. What did this bastard just say? Rekindling?

"The hell do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"C'mon. Pretty much everyone knew you liked her back then." he said.

This bastard knew. He knew about my feelings for her, and yet he did what he did. He didn't even love her.

"Great. Just great." I said and left.

I was determined. I was gonna go for Serena again. She didn't love me that way? Fine. I would make her love me. I would make her see that I was ten times better than Peter.


"Andy," I started, "Serena's the one."

He seemed a bit disappointed. Told ya, it was as if he liked Penny more than I did. "Are you totally sure you don't wanna go for Penny?" he asked me.

"Yes." I replied.

"Then so be it."


There was this new virus thing that came up around this time. I guess it was April and this virus called COVID-19 had started breaking out in different countries. Lockdowns were imposed and international airlines were shut down. Didn't bother me, though. I had a girl to pursue. And girls are certainly far more dangerous than viruses.

I wasn't planning on taking any action on this Serena matter anytime soon, I was planning to take it slow. But then there's this asshole called Peter. Yes. Bastard screwed this up as well.

One normal day I was just walking around during lunch break when some random classmate comes to me and asks, "Dude, you gonna ask Serena out?"

"The hell?"

"Yeah. Peter's been telling everyone you like her and that you're gonna ask her out soon."

I didn't even stop to reply. I straight away dashed to Peter's class and there he was, sitting on his bench. I swear if I had a gun, I would've shot a bullet through his head right then and there.

"Dude, what the fuck?" I said, slamming my hand on his desk. There we go again.

"Oh, I just told everyone that you like Serena." he said casually.

I didn't even stay there to ask him why he did that. I didn't want to see his face. Bloody -censored- -censored- -censored-

I shrugged this off and decided I would continue being friends with Serena and take things slow, just as I had planned. But no. She started avoiding me. Ever since the rumors about me wanting to ask her out spread, she didn't talk to me. She mostly avoided being around me and this made me more pissed at Peter.

And soon enough, before I could make things right with Serena, COVID-19 made its move and in our country too, lockdown was imposed. Schools were closed and we were forced to stay home. No contact with Serena.

Just great.

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