Chapter 2

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Serena Jackson. Weird girl, if you ask me. She was clumsy and kinda.. uh.. there we go again, annoying of sort. I don't know why, but I didn't like her that much. She looked nice though, can't deny that. Black hair and a beautiful face. She had sort of a bit dark skin tone, which gave her a different type of glow. Don't get me wrong, not like I hated her or anything. I just, couldn't stand her for long. We knew each other since 2 years now, and I never talked much to her, but my first impression of her was kinda... Not good.

It was back in class 4, there was this speech delivering competition at our school, and I, as usual, was sure that I would be the one at the 1st place. This time however, when the results were announced, I was 2nd, and the 1st place was given to... Yeah you guessed it right. Serena.

Don't get me wrong again, but I didn't like losing. What made it worse was my friends teasing me about how I lost to a girl. That might've been the thing that made my feel annoyed of her? Maybe, who knows. Doesn't matter anyway. I have no business with weird girls as her. And I didn't even know her that well.


Mr. Becker completed teaching. Forces and stuff was all he taught today. The class dispersed and it was 8 pm. We left the class and climbed down the stairs to the ground floor. I was hoping to see my dad, who usually came to pick me up, but nope. He wasn't here today.

This day just can't seem to get any worse. Now I have to wait for him. Crap. I stood there by the gate, waiting for my dad to come pick me up. I was damn hungry.

"Hey!" Someone shouted in my ear.

I was startled and yelled, "Dude what the fuc-" I stopped midway when I saw it wasn't Alex. I turned back and saw it was Serena. Great. Just what I needed. I said to myself, sarcastically.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to sound not annoyed.

"Um.. could you lend me your notebooks today? I sort of need them to complete some work I had left behind." she said.

"Well, pretty much everyone saw that I gave my notebooks to Samantha." I replied nonchalantly.

"Then how about tomorrow? Will you lend me your notebooks tomorrow? Please?" she requested me with pleading eyes.

"Alright sure." I replied, still not much interested.

"Thanks!" she said, with a cute tone and high spirit. Where do girls get this energy from? This was the first time in all these years that I felt a little.. what can I say.. different around Serena? I don't know what it was but she just seemed kinda adorable.

Man, she's cute. I said to myself, still watching her go, happily, almost as if she was dancing. C'mon snap out of it bruh. I commanded myself. Weird girl, weird girl. I kept telling myself.

But wait. Wasn't she kinda sad at class? How could she be so happy all of a sudden? Well, all the more reason to call her weird.

Finally dad arrived and took me home. I ate and headed back to my room. I couldn't help but think about Serena. I don't know why, she just came into my mind. I shrugged off the feeling anyway and drifted off to sleep.

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