Chapter 16

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Finally. The German camp. It was finally the day. I had packed my bag the day before and I just couldn't seem to get any sleep at night. I was just so excited. Five days all with my friend, and Serena too! I couldn't wait any longer.

We went there by 3 pm. I could see many cars all parked outside the resort gates and kids from my school, both, my grade and seniors running here and there, some carrying bags, some just playing around. I also noticed that it wasn't just us. Students from different cities had also come there for the camp. I had been to this resort before with my family, and knew the place pretty well. It sure was gonna be one heck of a thing.

Soon enough, I saw Snakey come there. He quickly got off his dad's car and ran up to me. We gave each other high-fives and laughed. Peter joined us too.

Now there was one bad thing. Our rooms were gonna be decided by the teachers. They had made the lists randomly. And that meant there was a chance we all would be kept in seperate rooms. Boys, of course. Girls had a whole different part of the resort, which was normal cuz they don't keep boys and girls together, think we gonna have sex or something.

I saw Samantha pass by. She too was a cheerful one, but nothing compared to Serena. Wait. Where the heck was Serena? My eyes kept searching for her but I didn't seem to find her. Finally, our parents left and the teachers came to us. New teachers from other cities had also come there to teach us. I was pretty excited about all of this.

Then the moment of truth. They alloted us our rooms and gave us the keys. It was 5 kids in one room, considering the room was pretty big. In my room, it was me, Snakey and Alex. Peter, however was put in the room just next to us.

They told us to go and get settled in our rooms. The first day - evening, practically - was going to be just games and songs and all. The teaching and stuff was gonna start tomorrow, which was kinda good. I just wanted to enjoy as much as I could.

We went to our rooms and checked them. It was the same one where I had lived with my family, lucky me. We had a giant bed, big enough for the 5 of us, and a large bathroom and cupboard. We dressed into our casual clothes and just went around our usual random talks. We invited Peter to join us but he seemed kind of busy with something he didn't tell me about. I shrugged it off anyway, and continued the fun with my friends.

The teachers had told us to be present at the meeting hall thing at 7 pm, so by the time it was 6 pm, we got ready and went downstairs to the campus. It was really nice. Nice area, green grass everywhere with big trees to top off the beauty.

I could once again see all the kids just passing their time walking here and there, talking about almost anything that came to their minds, and just enjoying themselves. It was starting to get dark now, and I kinda liked the atmosphere. Cold with all the trees around and the slowly increasing dark? It couldn't get any better. That's when I saw her. She was sitting on a rock, with her friends, talking about something, laughing like always, cheerful as ever. She looked absolutely gorgeous in whatever thing she was wearing, and I don't know what it's called cuz I have zero knowledge about girl fashion.

I told Snakey I would be back soon and was about to go to Serena, but instead she saw me, and her face lit up. The atmosphere made her look even better. She approached me and took my hand. She then smiled and took me to some place where comparatively less kids were hanging out. It was just me and her. She smiled again and I smiled back.

Serena had a different glow that day. I still remember it very vividly. The way she took me to that place and the way she smiled. She looked... Happy... For some reason.

"Ray, I've been searching for you all along!" she said.

"Well, same here, haha. I've been searching for you since I got here as well!" I said, smiling. I was so damn close to her, I could drown in her eyes.

"You see, Ray," she began. The sun had went done by then, and the lights of the resort emitted a sort of yellowish light that just added to the exotic feeling. She continued, "I have been wanting to tell you something."

I remember it very clearly. How I could feel my heart pounding against my chest, almost as if it wanted to break free and come out. I remember getting this weird feeling in my stomach, and getting all nervous.

"Oh, alright. What is it?" I tried to sound calm, but deep inside I was really nervous and excited of sort.

"I don't know how to put this," she said, "and you're gonna be really mad at me for not telling this to you earlier, but I just want you to hear me out okay?"

Just say it. My ears were dying to hear it from her. Hear what? Well, you all know very well.

"I think.." she almost blushed.

I could die of the suspense now. I knew she was gonna say it. I couldn't wait. I was gonna hug her the moment she said it. I had never been so happy.

"I think I like Peter."


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