Chapter 3

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"Raymond!" Serena called out to me at school. The whole class looked at me and I felt embarassed for some reason.

"You can just call me Ray, you know?" I told Serena when she approached me, "Raymond sounds kinda... Idk.. weird? Everyone just calls me Ray, so yeah, just call me Ray."

"Oh alright," Serna said, "can you give me the notebooks you said you would give me 2 days ago?"

"Oh right sure." I grabbed my notebooks from my bag and gave them to her. She took them, but then suddenly dropped them. Can you be more clumsy? I thought.

"So sorry!" Serena said, laughing. I helped her with the books and she went off, smiling.

I shrugged off the man-she's-cute feeling and carried on with my day. I don't know why, but over the days she was starting to get my attention even more. There was this one time I caught myself staring at her during school. I really had no idea what this was. Afterall, I was just a small kid.

Little did I know, this was going to become something really big. Something really important to me.


Over time, I started talking more with Serena. Don't ask me why. She just felt the type of girl who was really energetic. And staying around her kinda gave me a good feeling.

Well anyway, one day I was just hanging out with my best friends, Peter and Iris. We had been friends since class 1. Peter was my rival in studies. Though, for some reason, he wasn't coming to the coaching with me. Iris on the other hand, was average. Both of them, black hair and fair skin. I loved them both. They were everything to me.

It was tiffin break and we were having our lunch, when our class teacher, Mrs. Brooks, this middle aged woman, entered the class. She was not too tall, and had square spectacles. Our country doesn't have many blonde people, so everyone basically has black hair. Don't wanna describe everyone lol.

Mrs. Brooks came in and the whole class went silent. She was holding some sort of a paper in her hand. A notice, I guessed. She then announced in her kind of too loud voice, that the school had planned a trip to some place which I didn't know, but it seemed fun. I never missed out on trips. I loved them mostly for the snacks I got to eat, so yeah, there was no way I was missing this.

Peter wasn't gonna miss this either. Iris however, decided that she won't come. I don't know why. I didn't bother anyway. We all enrolled our names and waited for the day of the trip to come. We were all so damn excited.

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