Chapter 26

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What is this place? Huh? Who is that? A girl it seems... But who? Standing so far... Who are you?

She's coming closer... Penny? Is that you? She's coming so close... Damn I can feel her breath... Wait- Stop-

I can feel her lips on mine.. is this a kiss? Is this how it feels? I want to see her.. I'm opening my eyes..

What? Serena? It's you?! What about Penny?


I woke up with a start... what the hell was that dream? I was damn confused. Why was my brain showing me all this crap? Kissing Penny? And then Serena? What was wrong with me?

Ever since Sally had asked me about my feelings for Penny, I was all but peaceful. My mind was rushing. I didn't know what to do. I was confused. Did I really like Penny? Did I really want to be with her? I didn't know.

I got out of the bed and went to school. It was a boring day up over to the first break, but then after lunch, I was playing cricket with some of my so called friends. The place where we played was just beside the school building's backside, and the windows on the second floor there were of our classes. Class 8. Mine was not here though, it was in the other side of the building.

I was out there fielding, so I had less work to do. I casually looked up and through one of the windows, I saw a girl looking at me. I couldn't see clearly so I put on my glasses. It was Serena. As soon as she realised that I was looking back at her, she turned her head to the other side.

She's as gorgeous as ever... I couldn't explain how much I missed her.

What was this? Did I still like her? So whom was I gonna pursue? Serena or Penny?

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