Chapter 13

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Things went pretty good after that. I sorta got along with Peter again, forgiving was sort of my nature. Serena and I got in touch again, and this time I promised myself that I won't let us get distant again. She got along with Samantha pretty well too. Iris.. well, she was still out of the play, we even had some fights, but anyway overall it was okay. Snakey came back too lol. It wasn't as good as before, but at least I didn't feel too lonely now.

Serena asked me what the matter was with me. She had seen me go from an energetic guy to an introvert. She knew something was wrong. But I didn't want to bother her with my stuff, so I didn't tell her what was really bothering me.

The comeback of Serena in my life was a game changer. I was still an introvert, that toll on my personality was gonna be permanent now, but yet, I felt optimistic again. At least I had a few close friends who really cared, and Serena was one of them.

Peter and I started hanging out again. Man, did I miss the old times. Snakey and I were pretty cool too now. Maybe things were getting better.


Months passed like this, and soon it was December, which meant it was time for the school's Annual Function. I was pretty excited about this. I was gonna participate in the play this year. I loved acting, and yeah I was good at it.

The enrollment thing began and I got selected for the lead role. Hah. I'm the best. Peter was participating as well. He too had a major role to play. Serena, however, was participating in some sort of dance.

The good thing about all of this, was that for a whole month, we would have practice and practice and practice. Which meant, the classes would be mixed up, and I could hang out with my friends for the whole day at school, for a whole month.

The practice started a few days later. The play practice was scheduled an hour after the school started, so we just had a free hour. Peter and I decided to just walk around and talk about stuff. One such day, as we were walking, we came to the area where Serena's group was practicing their dance.

She moved with such grace. She looked damn beautiful. The outfit made her look even better. The school allowed wearing leggings and t-shirts during practice, and she looked so damn attractive. I couldn't take my eyes off her. It was like watching a swan swim gracefully over the water, leaving behind traces of it's majestic existence as ripples in the pond.

"Dude, you alright?" I was brought back to reality by Peter.

"Oh yeah. I'm cool." I replied, as we walked past that dance practice area.

From that day on, the first hour was my favourite one. I made excuses to always go upto that one specific spot where I could get a clear view of Serena's dance. I loved watching her. I just couldn't get enough of her. I think Peter knew about this, but I didn't care. I just wanted to watch Serena. I was mystified by her, for some reason.


One day, the teachers had some sort of meeting to attend. It was decided on spot, some official business we couldn't care less about. All that mattered was that there would be no practices that day. No teaching either.

That meant we had the entire day to ourselves. Of course, we couldn't leave our classes, but who cared? We could sit all together. I was sitting with Peter, and Snakey was behind me. We were laughing and enjoying a lot.

That was when I saw Serena come and sit on the bench beside mine and Peter's. I was kinda startled and got kinda nervous. Dude what's wrong with you? It's just Serena. I told myself.

"Ray! Let's play something." she said, with that usual cheerful tone.

"Alright, sure! Lemme jus--" I was interrupted by Peter.

"Dude, c'mon. Stop mixing with girls now. We have stuff to do." Peter said.

"Uh, it's not like that, man. I'm jus--" this time I was interrupted by Serena.

"Mind you. Ray's my best friend. Who are you to tell him what to do and what not to?" Serena sounded serious now.

"Girls." Peter rolled his eyes.

"Ray, aren't you my best friend? Why do you always keep listening to that idiot?" Serena asked.

"Well, uh--" Goddamit let me just finish my sentences! Peter interrupted me once again.

"Dude I'm outta here. See ya in the tiffin break." he said that and left.

"Well, that's better. Now we can talk all we want." Serena said, giving a weird look to Peter.

I knew this was gonna be bad.


Over the upcoming days, Serena and Peter just couldn't get enough fights. They fought all day long. Peter asked me to stop being around her and Serena asked me to stop being around him. I was so damn confused!

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