Chapter 8

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The summer went by quickly. I couldn't wait to go to school again. Over the summer, we had been on a vacation. Mom and Dad, my little sister Sophie, and my grandparents. I enjoyed it a lot.

Finally the wait was over and the school began. A new year. Class 7.

And I had a bad start.

The school authorities, for some reason, had decided to divide the already existing two divisions into another one, making a total of 3 divisions. And it absolutely sucked.

All of my friends were put in another class. Iris, Peter too (not like I cared) and most importantly, Serena was put in the other class too. Iris was in division A, Peter and Serena were in division B, and I was put in division C. I was basically devastated.

So anyway, I decided I would make new friends anyway. I didn't know where to sit and with whom to sit, so I looked over the class. Hmm.. I know most of them... Half of them are from my old class anyway.

After what seemed like an eternity of thinking, I picked this new kid to sit with. He had spectacles - just like me - and skinny - that too just like me - with like a really small height. He was as tall as my shoulder. Idk but he seemed like a good guy.

"Hey man! Can I sit beside you?" I asked him.

"Oh alright, sure." he said as he made space for me.

I adjusted myself as I sat beside him. "So, you're new here I suppose?"

"Oh, yeah. You're right." he replied.

"What's the name, bud?"

"Sean." he said in his relatively low voice. It almost sounded like a hiss.

"Ima just call you Snakey."

"Whut? Why so?" he asked, kinda puzzled.

"No reason lol. Just felt so." I said trying to be friendly.

Snakey and I got along pretty well. He was a nice guy. He talked nicely with me and didn't treat me like some weirdo. He was a nice friend, we enjoyed a lot.

In the tiffin break, Iris came to my class and said hello to me. We talked for a while. It felt kinda odd, being in different classes and stuff.

Well, I kind of completely forgot about Serena. I know I should've had met her, but I just didn't think of it. I was too busy with Snakey.

I finished eating my tiffin. We still had plenty of time left before the break ended, so we decided to play for a while. I gathered a few other kids and we started playing. Snakey was the den, so he had to catch us.

I'm not the athletic type, so I'm mostly the easy target. So yeah, Snakey figured this out and headed for me. I ran. He ran behind me. We had plenty of fun until I bumped into a someone. The person almost fell down.

"Extremely sorry!" I said, as I turned to see who I had bumped into.

It was a familiar face. A girl, black hair, round face. Just this time she was wearing spectacles.

"Samantha?! In our school?" I exclaimed.

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