Chapter 14

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Serena and Peter had been fighting ever since that day. Sometimes they fought for no reason at all. It was almost as if they hated each other. Anyway, I would spend time with both of them, cuz I couldn't just give up on either of them just because of their stupid issues.

I continued my dance-watching. That was my favourite part of the day. I would just sit back and watch Serena. I still had no idea why I did that.

A month later, the Annual Function was conducted. We all enjoyed. I totally rocked the play. It was the best performance that year. I was so proud of myself. By now, I suppose the kids had reduced picking on me a little bit. I didn't know why, and I didn't care. As long as they didn't bother me, I was good with myself and my books.


One fine day, this teacher called Mrs. Klein came into my class. I'm calling it 'my' class because after the Annual Function, we could no longer sit together. So anyway, Mrs. Klein was this fair and good-looking teacher, who taught English to higher classes. She had some sort of liking towards German language, and she was an expert at it. I supposed it had to he something to do with that.

"Class, the school is starting German Classes, and I'm happy to announce that the classes will start next week. Those interested can enroll their names to me in the second break." saying so, she left.

I totally knew that I had to get into this thing. And I did. And good thing? Peter, Snakey, and Serena were gonna be with me as well. Well, Samantha and Iris were also gonna tag along, and remember that guy Alex? Yeah. He was there too.


The German Classes started as previously decided. On our first day, Mrs. Klein took us to another classroom where all the students who had enrolled for this were gonna sit together. That meant I could sit with my friends. Awesome.

I sat with Peter and Snakey sat behind us. Serena seated herself on the bench beside mine, and smiled at me. Then frowned the next instant, after seeing Peter.

Are these two ever gonna stop?

Mrs. Klein taught us some basic phrases that day. We kinda enjoyed it all. Most of the time I was just talking with Peter and Serena. The classes were in the final one hour of school, so that was my favourite part of the day now.


I remember waiting the whole day for the German lecture. I just wanted to go there and sit next to Serena. This was something new to me. Like I had never so desperately wanted to be around someone, especially a girl. Like what was this? I think I knew at the back of my mind as to what exactly this feeling was, but I just couldn't get myself to think straight. And did it even matter? Like c'mon. Who's gonna ask me what I feel about her?

Over the days, this feeling grew even more. The moments when I talked with her were the best. And I think she liked it too. She would find reasons to pass by my class during breaks and smile at me. I had never been this excited in my whole life. It all felt unreal, like c'mon what the heck was this? Sudden feelings for someone? Was this a part of growing up? I had no idea.

After a whole lot of thinking, this one thought came into my mind. D-do I love her? Nah. That wasn't possible. Love that weirdo? Nope. Never. Then what the heck was this? I decided to take help from my books.

I grabbed the science textbook of the next class and went through the contents. There was this one chapter, 'Growing up and Adolescence'. Maybe this was what I needed. I opened it and read the whole chapter.

It said that children my age experience sudden changes in their body during this period they called 'puberty', and some hormones are secreted, which can make us emotionally weird and stuff. Maybe this was it. My hormones acting up. Yep. Definitely the hormones.


A few days after this, in the German Lecture, Mrs. Klein entered with a rather happy face. She looked excited for some reason. She then said, "Class, I have a surprise for you all!" she said as she put her purse on the table.

We were all eager to know, and she pretty much came to know about this because the other kids just couldn't keep shut. They started making weird noises, shouting and cheering, asking what it was. And she told us.

"The school," she told us, "has decided to take you all for a 5 days educational German Camp!"

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