Dimensional Arc Chapter 2: (14) New Perils part 2

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The scene changes to the gang in multiple vehicles following Captain America in his motorcycle and Cody ran like Sonic thank to his bracelet that Sonic gave him in Cody vs FNF with the rest of the gang driving in a car (Read that for context) They need quickly as they can so nothing bad happens. Although it was out of the city there were in So Cody decide to catch Captain America.

Cody: Yo Cap. You sure you know where we are going?

C.America: Yes. It's just right up ahead.

The car and Cody continue to follow Captain America. As they enter a new scenery...

 As they enter a new scenery

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Gotham City.

The gang eventually stopped at top of a hill next to huge mansion. Cody was very confused as the gang gets out of the car as they take in the sights of Gotham City. Crimson especially was amazed.

Scott: You seemed to like the place huh?

Crimson: Yes. It speaks to me.

Tankman: Gee. I wonder why...

Crimson punches tankman in the arm as Cody talks with Captain America.

Cody: So what's the deal here?

C.America: Well see. I know someone who can help with tracking down the Red Skull. Though I do need a few moments to talk with him. So just stay here and I'll be back in a few.

Cody: O.........K?

The Captain the slides down the hill and Cody having no idea what's going on.

*With Captain America*

America was at the bottom of the hill and came face to face with a black door on the side of it. America sigh as he speaks.

C.America: 25 years. Let's hope he remembers.

*Meanwhile inside*

The door was there for a reason. As it enters a Cave that has turned into a secret laboratory.

And it leads to a huge computer and someone was at it already typing something into it

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And it leads to a huge computer and someone was at it already typing something into it. That was when someone else walks up to the person.

 That was when someone else walks up to the person

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