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It's been a week since I last heard from Sidharth. The first three days of his absence were hell. I was so worried about him and scared as well. I called his phone several times and he didn't pick up which was unusual.

why I was act like the air you breathe one time and act like a stranger the next ?

I was gulping down the juice boxes I has stacked under my bed like ten times a day. My emotion was out of place and I could feel a conscripting pain in my heart every time.

On the fourth day. I paid a visit to his place and to my surprise , the gates were locked. I had no other option than to leave after waiting for several hours.

There was no one I could talk to or call to ask his whereabouts. I could feel myself drowning away with no other option in sight.

It was at that moment of my life that I realized Sidharth was the source of the little strength and courage that I'd gained during these past few days. I still couldn't believe he disappeared like that.Sometimes, during the night a form of calmness and peace wraps around me as I was deep in sleep but the moment I struggle to open my eyes, i'll be morning and nobody will be around.

I'd imagined if that was Sidharth or maybe it was just an imagination.

When I got back home that Thursday, I opened my laptop and tried searching for him on Facebook. Names similar to his came up but none was Sidharth.

I searched through my phone to see if there was any other contact, anything that Sidharth had put on the phone and all I got was his office email address. I quickly sent a massage, hoping for a reply or respond.

Awaiting a reply, I stayed up all night and by morning when I got no response, I gave up.

My weekend went like thunder flash. I was in bed all day, locked myself and couldn't give myself the chance to use my step-father's secret to my advantage. I'd planned on threatening him go confess , record it like I did the last time and get him arrested by now, my strength was gone and so was my will to survive.

The only thing that got me going and kept me alive was my juice boxes.

Monday morning, I woke up with a startle. A memory had come to my head and it was that of me using Maya's phone to call Shefali.

Even though it's been a while since I last spoke to Shefali , I rushed out of bed, picked my phone and dailed her number. Unfortunately it went to voicemail. The next thing I did was rush into the bathroom to take my bath , get dressed for school since that was the only place Shefali would be.

I rushed out of the house and met my mother at the front door.

"Where are you going so early?" She asked. I wanted to ignore her but I couldn't. It was impossible.

"One thing that baffles me is just how heartless you are. That monster in there did unspeakable things to me and you knew about it. The worst parts are you even told him to do and you want us to act as nothing happened"

"Shehnaaz "

"Don't you dare call me? That day was the day I stopped being my mother. Shehnaaz died that night . Believe it or not" I referred to the night when Sidharth had saved me and gave me a new identity and a new chance at life.

I walked away from her even though she was calling my name. The taxi I'd called was waiting already, so I got in and he drove off to campus.

I tried calling Shefali once more as I dropped from the cab and this time she picked up.

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