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" Hello Sidharth , it's been a while Boss" Sanjay mocked from the other end of the line .

"What you want, Sanjay?" I asked him, acting indifferent.

"Guess who I have here with me ", He asked.

"I'm not in the mood for your games, Sanjay. Go straight to the point"I replied.

"Your girl , Shehnaaz " He laughed hysterically, waiting for me to react rashly.

The thing I knew Shehnaaz was with him . I'd instructed Shehnaaz to go with him while she was in my car earlier today. Even though she was hesitant about it , I assured her that she'll be fine. Kushal and Jenifer would be in the restaurant with her, disguising as the cook and his assistant.

"She has nothing to do with this , George. You need to let her go " I warned him.

"I need you to step down, Sidharth . That throne rightfully belongs to me and me alone" He yelled.

"Fine , How do we go about it?  I asked him. I was expecting him to be concerned about how quick I was to agree to this but considering how daft Sanjay is, I guess he won't be bothered.

"Call the family lawyer and said him to call me" He said.

"Will Shehnaaz be safe if I do that?" I asked.

"She will be out of here before you know it. Just do what what I want. If I actually knew you loved her this much , I would've done this a long time ago, brother" He laughed.

I hissed and angrily dropped the call.

I placed a call to the family's lawyer and have him get the papers ready. I knew Sanjay had probably sent some of his men to the lawyer because of how ready he was to get the documents done.

The old man could actually be under the influence of a gun placed to his head .

"Done ", I said after calling Sanjay the second time.

"Good, now how about I take your girl home and have her for the night? I'll return her in one piece tomorrow". He bargained.

I knew just how much an animal Sanjay was that's why the plan was in three different places.

"Plan B ,Vikas " I instructed him, still on the call with Sanjay.

"What's that?" Sanjay asked.

"Curiosity , they say kills the cat , right ?" I asked him chuckling this time.

The first shot I heard in the background made me drop the call.

"They are there already" Vikas said, referring to Dimitri and Vikrant.

Earlier today, I've made a call to both of them to let them know about the new development, how Sanjay had been the one causing the ruckus that's had been happening between the three of us and how he was the one who killed Vikrant's son even though that part wasn't really that clear .

I know Vikrant would definitely have a good time with Sanjay.

"Kushal and Jenifer are with Shehnaaz", Vikas announced, making me breath properly again. Even since Shehnaaz walked out there , I was scared for her. If anything had happened to her, it would've killed me.

Because She's the air which I breath now.

"Good! Good! Let's go" I said.

"To where ?" Vikas asked.

"The airport, we are leaving", I told him.

"We ? As in with me, right ? He asked excitedly.

"Yes, with you Vikas. I'm not leaving your behind. You want to go with me, right " I explained.

He nodded. " Who will be in charge of the family.

"Rocky will do that for now and maybe later, join hands with either Dimitri or Vikrant. As far us we're not part of that anymore. I was never a part " I explained.

"I guess that's it"

Vikas might be twenty-five but the kid  is the closest I'd had to a friend and the most courageous , smart and diligent person I've met .  Leaving him behind will actually be a loss to me.

"Will Raven go with us?" He asked worriedly, suddenly losing the colour on his face.

"She was the first to got to the airport " I replied.

"Nooooooo" he groaned and I laughed.

Two hours later, I was holding Shehnaaz in my arms as she slept soundly. She was so brave earlier on and Jenifer wouldn't stop singing her praises. The two had a secret conversation later , which I was not in any way interested in.

Kushal is still skeptical about Vikas leaving with us. He even threatened the poor boy  turning him into a vampire if he didn't go back but Vikas stood his ground.

I got a call from Vikrant before the plane took off and that bastard asked me which body part of Sanjay was I interested in. Well, I told him to drain his blood and have it sent to the blood bank.

Minutes later , he sent a gory picture of Sanjay, white and pale, whichever it was and his blood gathered ina bathtub. Vikrant had worked for the Russians before, So that bastard knew just how to get shitty things done.

Shehnaaz stirred in my arms and I kissed her forehead, hoping she won't wake up and go back to sleep.

I looked behind me to see Vikas sleeping with Raven perched on the seat beside him. I can already imagine the horror look that'll etch on Vikas's face if he wakes up and see that.

Kushal and Jenifer were also in the same position as I and Shehnaaz but both of them were asleep. I'm happy for them because they actually found each other and how much effort these two are putting into making their relationship perfect after what they'd gone through.

Kushal suddenly opened his eyes , locking his eyes with mine.

He whispered, ...............

     TO A NEW BEGINNING.............

I smiled and whispered  .........

           "AN UNENDING FOREVER ♾️"

    .    THE END

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