Chapter 29

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I think my family is complete, I have my boys and my beautiful girl, at this moment Princeton is sniffing the boys probably getting confused as to why they smell like me and Kingsley.
The twins are definitely Alpha's, Princeton I'm not sure I think he is a Beta, I want him to be a Beta because if he shows any Alpha then I know who his father is and I would prefer not knowing, is that selfish......... Tory is an Omega the aura just rolls off her in waves, I have a feeling that no Alpha boy or girl is ever going to be good enough for her father or brothers, it's going to be fun to watch when she gets older, will have to get the popcorn ready, I laugh out loud, making Kingsley look at me, tilting his head, "sorry just day dreaming about you and the boys being over protective of Tory" Kingsley was about to respond when a pack of elephants ran in...sorry I mean our friends and family.
"Aww they are so cute, look at them" Leighton said
"Wait, 1,2,3......why is there 3?" Hayden said
"Well that's because there was a surprise hiding behind the twins, a little girl" I said from my hospital bed.
"They still look so small in the glass cots, when can we have a cuddle and when can you take them home?" Margo basically whispered whilst rubbing her belly
"We can take them home in about a week, and only we can touch them until they don't need the incubators, sorry everyone is going to have to wait"
"Awww that's no fair, uncle Hayden wants a cuddle" I laughed watching a 6 foot 5 grown man pout like a kid "so what are there names?" I knew Hayden would ask first, "sorry again that's a surprise until the ceremony next weekend" "Your no fun" "But it's fun to watch you pout".
The twins were let out after 5 days and Tory was let out today.
Hayden and Leighton have been my knights in shining armour and went out and purchased another set of everything in pink, purple or yellow for our little girl, her room is not finished yet but that's ok, the triplets will be in our room for a little while. I have only just moved Princeton into his own room and now I have 3 more, damn our house is going to be noisy. Tory's room is my old office, my office has now been moved downstairs so it's on the ground floor making me closer to the pack as a Luna should be.
I feel like I'm the president, I'm holding Tory whilst Kingsley has Brandon and Landon, Kit is holding Princeton and the rest of the team is surrounding us as we walk to the stage so no one can see the pups yet. I know Kingsley hates speaking, well he doesn't hate speaking he finds it unnecessary.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, as you are aware Max gave birth last week to our pups" everyone cheered and clapped
"We would like to introduce them to you tonight. We also have a special surprise, so I would like to introduce Brandon and Landon the future Alpha's of this pack" everyone cheered, I then stepped forward "We would also like to introduce our little surprise hiding behind the boys our baby girl Tory" everyone ahhhhhed. "Please enjoy your night" we stepped off the stage.
It had been decided, well when I say decided I mean Kingsley told me this was happening and I disagreed until we met in the middle so I will be working Wednesday and Fridays as in I will be in the office or doing Luna duties, Mondays I will be available if needed. Tuesdays and Thursdays Lake and Lane will hold down the fort so to speak and this will last for 3 months or until I've had enough so let's see.
Another 2 weeks have passed and Leighton and Margo had there little girl last night, a month early, she is tiny but then Margo is tiny anyway but what surprised me was she is showing signs of being a Beta like Leighton so hopefully she will start growing quickly, they have named her Grace Rachel Stone.
I have spent the last 2 weeks up to my neck in nappies and crying babies, I'm so great full for the Omegas, they have basically saved my life, I couldn't have done it without them and I'm keeping them all, I told them that and they laughed and got all shy, I love my omegas, I don't know how some packs can abuse them, anyways I asked if there was something they each wanted and they said they wanted to go out for dinner all together there is 8 of them, they never get to do it as some always have to stay, so I worked my magic and me, Margo, Kit, his wife, Lake, Lane and a couple of other older ladies are all doing the dinner and looking after the nursery whilst they go out to eat......
It's now 10pm and we are all laying on the floor or sofa.
"Never again" Lake whines from the floor arm over his face
"I love children but they were devils" he rolls so he is curled into his brother "yeah what he said everyone laughed, "dinner wasn't so bad, we managed to not burn anything and have lefts overs so people can take that to work for lunch tomorrow" Kathy said, everyone murmured in agreement, the front door opened and in walked some very happy and laughing Omega's, once they saw us all stopped laughing and looked at the floor, I got up off the sofa.
"Come on we have talked about this, please don't look at the floor" they looked up but like Margo looked at our necks "I guess that's a start, did you enjoy yourselves?" They all nodded "yes thanks Luna Max" Kirsty said "that's quite all right, I'm going to try to make this a regular thing, maybe once a month" the gang moaned No! I just laughed "I may need to get some new volunteers, maybe people who like children" I said laughing
"Just to let you know, we did pasta for dinner tonight and there is some left over I have already put them in portions in the fridge for people to take for lunch tomorrow, so that should save you some time making loads of sandwiches tomorrow morning"
"Thank you so much, that is helpful, I never thought about left overs, usually there isn't any but I guess with pasta I could make an extra pot it would save us time in the morning" Kirsty said turning to the other Omegas as they all headed off to bed whispering "Goodnight". I walked back to the lounge "all right everyone bed now" "yes mother" Lake whispered, I just smiled at him and made my way to my room, quietly getting changed not to wake the triplets. I'm not sure what time Kingsley finally got into bed but he pulled me into his chest "I've fed the pups, they woke up just as I got in" I mumbled a thanks and fell back to sleep, happy and safe in my mates arms.

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