Chapter 37

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Kingsley's POV at the same time as Hayden's

I could feel the stress coming off Max in waves through our bond, "baby calm down, I really need you to calm down Duke is getting distressed" "I'm sorry, I don't like not being able to see you or be near you and knowing we are back where it started is killing me" "it will be over soon, I've got to go love you".
I quickly got into position at the dining room doors, some of Alpha Jacks pack were still in human form to help with the girls trapped in the rooms, as we opened the doors that is what we found 7 girls crying.
"Please don't hurt us, please" Josh I think his name is ran forward "we are not here to hurt you, we are here to help you, follow me we are going to head for the Free Hearts Pack, you know where that is?" All the girls shook there head No "you should it's the next pack along, never mind" he helped them wrap blankets round them or put clothes on them, "I'm going to take them to the border, I have mindlinked for help" I nodded I went to go to the door to get out the dining room, I couldn't fit, this made Duke laugh and huff In annoyance I turned round and rammed the door breaking part of the wall but I got through, I really thought this would bring them out the lounge but nothing, we all met up, I kept to the back to make sure no one tried to sneak up behind us.
I saw Hayden follow after I am guessing his father, I saw someone follow Hayden's father so I was guessing it was Max's dad, I growled and ran through the room making wolves jump out the way, I was mad Duke was mad and we were both ready to kill. I jumped through the back door and straight onto the Beta's back he had just shifted into his wolf compared to me he was nothing, he rolled away from me and looked up at me and growled I went for his face but he tried to claw me in the face so I had to back off, this gave him the opportunity to get into a fighting stance and made a charge at me, I quickly moved to the side and clawed his side making him growl and tumble, I then jumped on him pinning him to the floor, I bit his shoulder and held on, I went to bite his neck again to kill him when everything stopped, I quickly looked over my shoulder to see Max standing over Hayden and his father dead on the floor, why do I feel so much power coming from Max. I quickly grabbed the betas head and smacked him into the ground making him go unconscious. I quickly shifted back, grabbed some cuffs and put them on the beta who had shifted back and handed him to someone else as I ran to Max.

Max's POV
I don't want to be here, it's bringing back to many bad memories, I am with the back up, we are just scouting the edge of the field and forest, when I get a sense that something is going to go wrong so I start walking forward through the woods, slowly and quietly as I am in human form when I see to wolves fighting by the edge of the forest, my heart picks up it's pace, I know it's not Kingsley because Kingsley is huge and these wolves are dark brown and not as big, oh crap it's Hayden, it seems an even fight considering Hayden still hasn't got his Alpha Title  yet. They are getting even closer to the forest when I see Alpha Marcus grab something by a tree and throw it at Hayden then shifting back, oh god it's a small silver dagger, I sneak up to the tree and pull out the knife I had in my boot, he hasn't noticed me he is to busy mouthing off "Boy you really are stupid, you can bring as many wolves as you like I will always be better than you, smarter than you, I have brains and I get what I want, you will not......." I had enough of him talking I walked behind his back and stabbed him through the heart so it stuck out his front. Hayden was wide eyed as I stepped around his father "you are not smarter, you are arrogant and have an ego the size of a mountain and that has got you killed, good bye" with that he fell forward and died, I turned to Hayden "this is gonna hurt but I need to get the dagger out your chest" it wasn't in too deep but it was still gone hurt, I pulled it out in one quick motion and saw Hayden pass out. I stood up and looked around and noticed everyone had stopped and had kneeled down, Kingsley walked over to me "why are they kneeling?" I whispered as he took me in his chest "Baby you just killed an Alpha, your now Alpha of the pack" "WHAT, that wasn't meant to happen, WhAT, no no it's Hayden's, crap" I started pacing "it's ok baby, we will sort it out, let's get Hayden back to the Free Hearts pack and take the prisoners" I just nodded into his chest, I just needed to be in his presence, "Oh my god" I whisper shouted making Kingsley stop "what is it" he said concerned "you smell of burning pine cones" he smiled "you got your smell back" "I feel strange, I can't explain it.....I feel powerful" "yeah that's the Alpha power" "I'm confused because I'm the Luna of our pack how can I be the Alpha of this pack?" "I have no idea"
The next day
My father is in the cells along with a lot of other wolves, we are waiting for Pack law and the council to show up. Some people from the Blue Moon Pack have found their mates in the Free hearts, which is bitter sweet as most of the girls have been abused and don't trust males but now they are in a good pack now.
I went to the packs clinic to see Hayden, I slowly opened the door to see Jay curled up next to Hayden, they really look so sweet, I quickly took a picture and sent it to them, their phones went off, they looked at the picture then up at me, they both smiled "Hi, can I come in?" "Sure" I walked over and hugged Jay and then Hayden, I sat down in a spare chair. "So how you feeling?" "Yeah I'm good, there was wolves bane on the tip but most of it has gone now, just got to take it easy for the next week" I nodded "I'm sorry" Hayden looked at me confused "I'm sorry about your father, he may have been horrible but he was still your father" he shrugged his shoulders
"he stopped being my father the minute he put you in the basement, oh sorry Max, Jay doesn't know" "it's ok, I turned to Jay, Hayden left for training camp, his father and my father kidnapped me and locked me in the basement abusing me for 4 years before I managed to escape" "oh my....thank you for telling me, I'm glad you made it out" this made me smile, I turned back to Hayden "I'm also sorry for killing your father, you were meant to do it so you could be Alpha, we have no idea what to do now, as I can't be Luna of one pack and Alpha of another, we are going to wait for the council to turn up, I want you to have the pack, if you still want it" he looked at Jay "to be honest I don't really care, if you did give it to me, I would move it next to yours, there's some land over in California that ends about 10 miles from your borders in Oregon that is available" we spent the next couple of hours talking about our childhood or lack of but it was still fun.
"Guys the council is here they want to speak to all of us, I will go and get the doctor and make sure you are good to go".
We were all packed into the small dining room. "Good afternoon Alpha Kingsley and Luna Max, it's nice to see you again, we are Alec and Grace from the council" "nice to see you again Alec, let me introduce everyone, over there is our Beta Leighton, next is Luke, then Alpha Jack who's pack house you are in and lastly is Hayden and his mate Jay"
"Nice to meet you all, now you said you had some concerns and questions relating to the fall out of the fight last night" Grace said it was quiet for a moment until I started speaking "Umm yes, so Alpha Marcus who died was Hayden's father so it was agreed he would fight him so he could take the Alpha title but he pulled a dagger covered in wolfsbane anyways I ended up killing him, so my question is I can't be Luna of one pack and Alpha of another can I?"
"Interesting question, one minute" she was scrolling through her iPad "ahh so no you can't it would go to your mate, so you would be Luna of this pack as well" "so what if we wanted to give it back to Hayden" "you can, well you can't Luna Max, Alpha Kingsley would have to do the ceremony to make Hayden an Alpha then transfer the ownership so to speak over to him" we all nodded "Umm" came from Hayden "Just a question from me, what if I didn't want 100% ownership of it, say I am happy to have the Alpha title run the pack but Alpha Kingsley has the final say a bit like a franchise" "another good question, let me check" I looked at Hayden as he shrugged then look at Kingsley who was confused as me. After a couple of minutes Alec said "it's never been done before, but I don't see why not, Alpha Kingsley already has a big pack adding another 250 people would mean he would need extra support anyway, we are happy for this to happen" he looked at me, Hayden and Kingsley, "ok, let us go and talk about it and get back to you by the end of the day"
"Ok right, next topic, the prisoners, so how many do you have?" Grace asked Alpha Jack started talking "in our cells we have 50, and in there cells are 20 but they were already in there, we haven't spoken to them yet"
"Who in the high ranks are down there?" "The Beta and the Gamma" "ok we will go with Alpha Jack as it's your prison and Hayden as they were part of your pack and go and talk to them" with that we finished the meeting.

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