Chapter 32

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The council has been looking after Kingsley's old pack, Kingsley has passed the task of sorting them out onto me, I know he really doesn't want to go back there, but the grumpy git doesn't have a choice he is coming with me, so he is now pouting in the seat next to me on the airplane. It is funny a 7 foot giant pouting, I bop him on the nose getting a growl out of him.
Flash back to earlier in the day.

We walked into the waiting lounge before boarding the plane and every single female turned to look at my mate, it kinda gets annoying that everytime we go out it's like this, we sit down. "Baby they ain't just looking at me, they are looking at you too" he whispered in my ear as he grabbed my hand, I snorted "baby you are beautiful, I know you don't think it, but you are" I turned to look at him and whispered "thank you".
"I miss my babies Kingsley, I hope everyone is ok, they are going to miss us, why couldn't we take them Kings?"
" they are better being left at the pack, we don't know what we are walking into, I feel more comfortable with our family looking after them" I smiled at him "yeah tho I'm not sure Lake and Lane are going to volunteer again after this week." Kings just snorted "they don't have a choice" he said in his Alpha tone.
We are now sitting in first class, mainly because he is to tall for the other seats and because the council is paying. The air stewardess comes round asking if we would like drinks, flirting with Kingsley or should I say trying, he is just glaring at her then turns to me, guess I'm answering
"Yes please, can we get some white wine each and some water" she rolls her eyes but does the order "if you need anything anything at all, please let me know" she said with a wink and moved onto the next victim I mean passenger. "I hate people" he mumbled putting his headphones on and closing his eyes, god I love my anti social grumpy giant.
Being stuck in a plane with sensitive hearing is not fun, headphones help a bit but I have also noticed since I've had the babies, I'm starting to smell bits here and there, just odd things like bacon when we have breakfast or the odd flower when we go for a run but what I really want to smell is Kingsley's scent and I can't. I'm broken out my thoughts by "Baby what's the matter? I can feel your stress through the bond" he said through the mindlink
"Ummmm well since the babies, I have been starting to smell things" "that's amazing" "yeah I guess, I just wanted to be able to smell you and instead the first thing I smell is bacon" this made Kingsley snort and roll his eyes. The Barbie stewardess comes round with lunch and tries to flirt with Kingsley, he just stares at her making her smile drop and she quickly moves away. After lunch Kings falls back to sleep, I have no idea how he does it, his hand is clamped to my thigh so I'm not moving anytime soon, I'm just staring into space when a gentleman interrupts me
"Apologies but may I ask you a question?" I look up to a smiling stewardess
"Umm I guess" "I want to apologise for those 2 over there" I look over to his colleagues "I've never worked with them before, and I will make sure I don't again but for my sanity and to shut them up, you guys are a couple right?" Kingsley has now woken up and is watching us "Yes, we are and they have both been unprofessional this whole flight" "I knew I was right, I told my husband, I'm never wrong, I'm Julian by the way, I will make sure a complaint is sent into head office" I looked over at Kingsley, I could tell straight away he wasn't going to talk "Hi Julian, I'm Max and this is Kingsley, thank you so much, they have been a bit.....over bearing" making him laugh and me smile "So do you live in North Carolina?" "No we are here on business we will head back home to Oregon in a week" "well I hope it all goes well, just let me know if you need anything else" and with that he walked away, I watched him walk back to his colleagues and reprimand them and they quickly disappeared.
End of flash back

We got off the plane and picked up the rental, Kingsley was quiet I mean he is quiet but quieter than usual, I put my hand over his "it's going to be ok, we will tell them the options they all get to choose then we can leave and go home, nice and simple" I smiled at him "yeah nice and simple" he mumbled as he gripped the steering wheel tighter.

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