Chapter 40

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This afternoon has been hard on my emotions seeing Grace and Sophie knowing that they knew someone was in the basement but not doing anything, I don't trust them but I want some family, so I will take each day as it comes.
Now my mother and father, I want them to die a slow and painful death, I know my mother knew about me there was no way my father and Alpha Marcus could have lied for 4 years and not slip up once. I am fine with never seeing either of them again but Grace and Sophie wanted to go and see mum so off they went.
Kingsley sat down on the sofa next to me "your doing so well Max" I just shrugged my shoulders and curled into him "I just want to move on with my life, our life, I'm done with them" he kissed the top of my head "sounds good to me" we sat in a comfortable silence for around 15 minutes "so any thoughts on what Hayden said, it's completely up to you Max?" "Why is it completely up to me, we are equals in this, so we decide together, my main problem is I don't trust any of them, I don't really want to be involved with them but then again Hayden is going to have to deal with them and he is sort of in the same position and I feel like we need to stick together, he is my best friend and I love Jay, I want my family close and if Hayden can get the land in California that would be amazing but then it's a lot of extra work for you and me, are you ok with it?"
"It's not as much work as you think, I would just over see the pack we would meet probably every 2 weeks to start with then maybe once a month but I think Hayden will do fine I believe he is scared to take over the roll because he never had a good role model and I know I didn't but it wasn't always like that, I think it would help both packs, I think the Blue Moon Pack needs to start again move away have a fresh beginning, I think you as much as me and Duke hate saying this, you and Hayden need each other, I think you would struggle and he would to be so far away and as you said you love Jay and we would just be expanding our family".
Myself Kingsley, Hayden and Jay are all standing outside the destroyed packhouse looking at my old pack. Kingsley steps forward. "Good evening following on from the death of Alpha Marcus, myself and Max have decided to hand over this pack to Alpha Hayden and Luna Jay, please step forward Alpha Hayden" they both made a cut across their hands and then shook hands "as Goddess as our witness I pass the Title of Alpha and rights of the Blue Moon Pack over to Alpha Hayden now Max you do the same with Jay" I cut my hand and then Jays "As Goddess as our witness I pass the title of Luna and rights of the Blue Moon Pack over to Luna Jay" people clapped but it was subdue.
Hayden then stepped forward "I am now going to explain what has happened over the last couple of days, we came to take out my father and Beta Clarke for a number of crimes, I ended up fighting my father but he had a dagger with wolfsbane on it and stabbed me with it, whilst he was distracted Luna Max killed thus making Alpha Kingsley and Luna Max the rightful holders of the titles to this pack however they declined to take the titles as they already have a big pack in Oregon and gave myself and mate the title as you just witnessed, so as my first act as Alpha I am advising you all that this pack will be moving to California it's border will run along there's and Alpha Kingsley will over see me, a bit like a franchise, this will not effect you at all, it just means we have a bond with another pack not just an alliance, if you don't want to move please let me know where you would like to go and I will contact the Alpha and see if they can take you in. I believe we need to move to start again after everything that happened to this place we need to leave, if you have any questions please come and speak to us, good night" we all turned to leave when someone shouted "what happened to the person in the basement?" I saw Hayden and Kingsley quickly glance at me "the boy in the basement" I whispered but with werewolf hearing everyone could hear, "ummm the boy in the basement was me, I got out my the skin of my teeth, spent a month in a coma, so yeah" Kingsley grabbed my hand and we walked off stage followed by Hayden and Jay, the same person from before stood in front of me "I would like to say to both you and Hayden we are so sorry that we didn't speak up and protect you, I mean you were just a child at the time, and I agree I don't know about anyone else but I agree that we need to move away from this place and start again" "thank you for your words......" "oh sorry I'm Dean" he was tall probably 6'2 bright green eyes and strawberry blonde hair early 30's.
Only a handful of people decided to go to neighbouring packs everyone else stayed with Hayden, packing up the place was a nightmare mainly because myself and Hayden just couldn't go back in that place, I'm not sure how he done it the first time probably adrenaline. We walked towards the building but I couldn't step up those stairs into the front door, I started panicking and hyperventilating which then started Hayden off so it was agreed that Kingsley and Jay would pack up the Alpha and Beta floors and we could go through everything at a later date.
I was so happy to be home with my babies running round my feet, all the people that moved from Kingsley's old pack were now in new houses, the fox pack was settled in and was integrated nicely with the other shifters, Matt was still a little off but he was going to be stepping down soon as his son had found his mate, an Omega named Katie from Kingsley old pack she was lovely as cute as a button.
Kit decided he didn't want to be Beta for Hayden's pack but agreed to be the Gamma and Kingsley then thought about his best friend and Hayden spoke to Luke and he agreed to be Beta for Hayden, so in the end myself and Kingsley got to keep our best friends by our sides but just not in the way we thought.

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