The Tale Of Cross Dressing And A Diva.

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A/N: Hello. You are a woman now. How does it feel? Tell me, to what extent are you willing to go to save your friends and family? Would you be willing to become a femboy? Would you-I can't. Well, question no more! Because you don't get any options.

The next day at school Y/N dawns his new persona. Today's a major stepping stone in waifu creation. Can best boy also be best girl? Let's see! In the men's room, Y/N changes into his perfect disguise. 

Kotori: "Remember, your mission is to approach Miku while everyone's setting things up for the festival."

Y/N: "And you're completely sure this is going to work?"

Kotori: "If Reine was correct, then yes. Don't worry. Our whole crew thinks you look stunning. You'll be fine."

Y/N: "Why the hell did I agree to this?"

Kotori: "Don't forget your voice changer."

Y/N: "Hai, hai."

He finishes getting dressed and steps out of the stall.

FM/N "Well then, time to fix everything."

Kotori: "Don't forget the mission, Agent 47."

With this first part over with, Y/N has to infiltrate the council committee.

Girl 1: "Where's Y/N-kun?"

FM/N: "Y/N-san said he wasn't feeling good, so apparently I have to take over for him. We're supposed to go to some place called Tengu Square, right?"

Girl 1: "That bastard!"

Girl 2: "Sissy!"

Girl 3: "That's so lame!"

Girl 1: "By the way, who are you?"

FM/N: That's a good question. Who am I? "I'm Y/N-kun's cousin. My name is Itsuka FM/N."

Rinne: "What are you doing Y-"

FM/N: "I need to go undercover." All obstacles must be removed! "Just pretend I'm a girl for a little while."

Rinne: "All right, I got it."

FM/N: "Who might you be?"

Rinne: "My name is Rinne Sonogami, and I'm Y/N's childhood friend."

FM/N: "Oh? I-"

He's interrupted by Origami taking multiple pictures nearby.

Origami: "Please look over here. This is brilliant, FM/N... Just brilliant. Let's lose some of those layers."

FM/N: "N-No thanks! I-I'm not into..."

Origami lays on the floor.

FM/N: "E-Eh?!"

Origami: "Don't worry. You can show me all of yourself."

She takes several upskirt photos of FM/N.

FM/N: "N-No... No!"

He kicks away Origami's camera.

Origami: "I have backups."

FM/N: Of course she does.

They later head to the other academy to continue festival preparations. 

Kotori: "Rindoji's setting up in Hall 1."

FM/N: "Found her! I'm going in."

After waiting around for a minute, Y/N enters the first hall.

Kotori: "Alright, let's go! But be careful."

FM/N: "Right." Let's hope this works.

He calmly approaches the stage.

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