Lesson Four: Blasphemy To The Royal Highness.

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A/N: Welcome back. In this chapter, Y/N will conduct an experiment on blasphemy. His end goal is to bring back the Tohka that's been consumed by the darkness. Will he be successful in slaying the dark lord? No, but the plot must go on!

Tohka sends a larger energized slash at Y/N.

Y/N: "Gah!"

He was distracted while thinking about something else and is sent flying back by Tohka's attack.

Shido: "Are you alright, Aniki?"

Miku: *She looks down at Y/N* "What are you doing? Pathetic."

Y/N: "Not like you could do any better! Your all defense!" *He looks at Tohka* "I need to get close to her."

Miku: "Hmmm." *She looks over at Tohka* "So you just need help getting close to her."

Y/N: "Either me or Shido."

Shido: *He holds up Sandalphon* "I don't know how to use this thing."

Miku: *She looks at Shido* "No one asked for your input!" *She faces Y/N* "Hmph. Gabriel. Rondo."

She summons five organ pipes.

Shido: "What the..."

Y/N: "Glad to be a part of this team."

Miku: "You should consider yourself lucky. You were foolish enough to come all the way up here alone for Tohka-san. I'm going to give you one chance, doctor."

Almost like swords to a king, she summons a massive amount of organ pipes all around Tohka.

Y/N: "Hey! I've never even met the guy before!"

Miku: "Then why did he call you that?"

Y/N: "How should I know? Maybe I look like one of his co-workers."

Miku: "Fine, I'll drop it! Look. I'll hit Tohka-san with my vocal shield from every direction. It may not last more than a few seconds, but it should be enough to restrict her movement for a little while. That'll give whoever a chance to try whatever you had in mind."

Y/N: *His eyes drift over to Tohka* "I see." 

Miku: "Are you up for it or not?"

Y/N: "Since we might not have a lot of time, I'll try it myself."

He readies Spiresbane.

Miku: "Then get ready."

She uses her powers to create restraints around Tohka with sound waves.

Tohka: "What is this?"

She does her best to resist. Miku lets out a small yelp.

Y/N: "Miku, are you alright?"

She says nothing back as she continues to maintain the restraints. Despite Tohka's resistance flinging debris toward Y/N, he continues forward. 

Tohka: "Silence."

For a moment Miku goes silent. Then another. And it stays that way as Miku struggles to find her voice. Tohka is able to break free and destroy the pipes.

Tohka: *She looks at Miku* "You fool."

Miku falls to her knees.

Tohka: "You cannot bind me. Die, weakling."

She sends her fastest attack yet. Its only target is the weakened Miku. Miku only stares back in horror.

Y/N: "Miku!"

He uses Spiresbane as a platform and leaps off of it. He fully intends to take the full attack. Miku closes her eyes in anticipation. But with Shido's quick thinking, he's able to throw Sandalphon to Y/N so he can use it as a shield.

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